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Stockport Council News

Councillor Derbyshire says this is “vexatious”

Vale View School Posted on Sat, April 13, 2013 15:45

The Chair of the Executive Committee says my questions about why there are no playing fields, as was a condition of the Vale View School wending its dodgy way through planning, are “vexatious”.

What has happened to the £600,000 set aside for this and where are the external changing rooms? Why are there no white lines or goalposts? Vexatious of me to mention it. Naughty, naughty me!

Lord Goddard and the Multi Story Carp Hark

Grand Central Posted on Sat, April 13, 2013 07:47

This seems a complex storey.

Is this attempting a commercial/retail/hotel area in competition with Airport City?

Council (tax payers) leases land from Network Rail.

Somebody else builds on it.

If Stockport Council’s attempt to build a thriving/competing hub fails, who ends up footing the bill?

Then harken to the carping?