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Promoting health and air quality

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 20:53

SEMMMS Final Report 2001


to improve air quality;

to minimise noise below certain levels; .

to promote use of transport modes which contribute to improved general


Protection for the Environment went out the window

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 20:47

SEMMMS Final Report 2001

4.18 … of the environment by reducing:

emissions of greenhouse gases (global environment);

the impact on the built environment – buildings, streetscape etc;

the impact on natural environment – protection of designated sites, water

courses, visual impacts;

SEMMMS Final Report – protection for the environment

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 20:44

SEMMMS Final Report 2001

4.16 The principal aim of Objective 1 is economic growth. The inclusion of environmental sustainability is a recognition that in pursuing economic growth there has to be an appropriate balance with environmental protection goals. Sustainability also includes social considerations but, in the SEMMMS core objectives, these are addressed

explicitly under other headings. Relevant sub-objectives fall naturally into the

promotion of economic growth, the promotion of the competitive position of the area

and the protection of the environment. Moreover, the sub-objectives relate to the

transport aspects of the core objective, rather than stray into other disciplines.

Promoting public transport and not building on greenfield sites. Oh dear!

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 20:38

SEMMMS Final Report 2001

4.14 The core objectives are closely related to those in the GMLTP. In using these as a starting point there was an explicit recognition that this points the strategy towards a particular type of solution, in that they promote:

public transport use; and

the concentration of development at existing established centres, brownfield sites and a number of particular priority locations as opposed to expansion on green-field sites located on the urban fringe and around major road junctions.

High response to proper consultation – shame results ignored

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 20:22

From Final SEMMMS Report 2001

3.56 The findings of the questionnaire analysis supported and were consistent with findings from the series of focus group undertaken in Phase 1 and the consultation with the Steering Group and Wider Reference Group. This created confidence in the study process. The public response to the questionnaire was much higher than anticipated, showing the importance of transport issues in South East Manchester.

Unlike the dodgy Stockport LibDems’ one which cost three quarters of a million pounds.

Building roads alone will not solve transport problems

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 20:18

SEMMMS Final Report 2001

3.55 Congestion was seen as the biggest transport problem in South East Manchester, but the questionnaire response showed a recognition that building new roads alone would not solve the transport problems. Maintaining and making better use of the existing road network received strong support. The support for Metrolink extensions indicated a willingness pay for high quality reliable public transport, but existing public transport provision was seen to give poor value for money. Workplace parking charges or road user charging in isolation were not popular as solutions.

Other items rather than roadbuilding were more favoured

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 19:51

SEMMMS Final Report 2001

“3.51 Generally, the measures can be described as either ”carrots‘ or ”sticks‘ . Not surprisingly, the ”carrot‘ measures proved to be the most popular. The measure with most support was better maintenance of roads and footpaths (46%). The next was extending Metrolink (35%). Better bus services (28%), cheaper bus and rail fares (28%), building new roads (26%), and increasing the capacity of existing roads (21%) were also popular measures. It is notable that building new roads received a high response, but other items were more favoured.”

What people asked for from SEMMMS

Bypass Posted on Thu, July 10, 2014 19:05

SEMMMS Final Report 2001 – Page 39 – Weighted % sample of responses of what people in Greater Manchester actually wanted, as opposed to what we are getting.

Better maintenance of roads, pavements and footpaths – 46%

Extending Metrolink 35%

Better bus services – 28%

Cheaper bus and rail fares – 28%

Building new roads – 26%

Improving existing roads to increase their capacity – 21%

Traffic calming in residential areas – 14%

Better rail services – 12%

Better facilities for cyclists – 11%

Better facilities for pedestrians – 9″

More ”park and ride” facilities – 8%

Better information for bus and rail travellers – 8%

More school buses – 6%

Charging for using congested roads and

spending the money on transport – 6%

More bus lanes and bus priority routes – 6%

Better information on current traffic conditions – 3%

Charging for parking at work and spending the money on transport – 3%

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