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Stockport Council News

Agenda for Stockport Council Executive Meeting 17th March 2015

Council Meeting Agendas Posted on Mon, March 09, 2015 20:24

And yes, there are secret items in it we poor fools who just pay their wages/allowances are not allowed to scrutinise.

Sick, innocent man who needed help banned from accessing Citizens Advice

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, March 09, 2015 19:50

Why didn’t the bent and vicious Stockport LibDems just do what they were legally obligated to do and assist the family with counselling for the lovely, troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council?

Why did Lord Goddard break Data Protection laws?

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, March 09, 2015 19:46

How did Lord Goddard, then Leader of Stockport Council, get hold of a CPS copy of Mr Parnell’s bail notice within hours and why did he send it to me? Why is Lord Goddard gloating that a sick, innocent man has been sent to prison? At the time there was no functioning authority for me to act on Mr Parnell’s behalf. This would appear to be a clear Data Protection offence, but you can’t get Anwar Majothi, Stockport Council’s Don’t Bring Your Complaints To Me Officer to ever deal with things properly.

Anwar Majothi, SMBC’s Don’t bring your complaints to me officer

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, March 09, 2015 19:41

Majothi had been shown these video clips – the man should be sacked.

2 years 8am to 8pm house arrest for a sick, innocent man.

Town Hall Protester Posted on Mon, March 09, 2015 19:36

Courtesy of vicious LibDem Stockport Council, who knew he was innocent.

Will Stockport Council Act? Will they ‘eck as like.

Exasperated residents Posted on Mon, March 09, 2015 19:06

Many Stockport residents have to pay for the privilege of parking outside their own homes.

The LibDem Executive Councillors tried to award themselves free parking across the whole town – until the late, great Mike Wacker exposed their dastardly plan.

One resident reports his car being vandalised three times in as many years with door mirrors kicked off. It has been comprehensively keyed – both nearside doors, back nearside panel
and front nearside wing scored repeatedly with a sharp implement and
several bootmarks and accompanying dents in the passenger front door.

Will the Police, the Council, the MP, Andrew Stunell, the MP’s office manager Andrew Garner, the LibDem PPC Lisa Smart do anything? I shall keep you posted.

Who blocked my emails to elected representatives? Can’t tell you that.

LibDem Councillors Posted on Mon, March 09, 2015 13:30

Email received –

Mrs Oliver,

am writing in response to your request for information (ref FOI

relevant Council Service(s) has searched for the requested information and our
response is as follows:

information you have requested is personal information relating to a living
individual. To disclose this information would be in breach of the first
principle of the Data Protection Act 1998 (Fair Processing) and therefore the
information you have requested is exempt from disclosure under Section 40 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act

order to access personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998, you will need
to complete and submit a Subject Access Request (SAR) Form. For information
about accessing your personal data please see the following link:


Support – Information Governance



From: Sheila
Sent: 06 February 2015 13:24
To: FOI Officer
Cllr Dave Goddard; Cllr Iain Roberts; Cllr John Pantall; Cllr Stuart Bodsworth;
Cllr Martin Candler; Parveen Akhtar; Eamonn Boylan; Leader; Cllr Wendy Meikle;
Anwar Majothi
Subject: Who decided to block my emails to elected
representatives, when and why?

Dear FoI

Regarding all these
illegal detentions, arrests and imprisonments of Mr Parnell, who I
have in writing from the Police never committed any crime, for the purpose of
any future lawsuits against Goddard, Derbyshire, Weldon, Khan, Boylan, Pantall,
Meikle, Bodsworth, Candler, Webb, Lucas, Majothi et al, please let me know
decided to block my emails to elected representatives – when and why – which
prevented my telling of the full story to

As I understand it
the council’s insurers won’t cover illegal activity, which this most certainly

