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Stockport Council News

Corrupt Stockport LibDems legally not allowed to start bypass until late March

Bypass Posted on Fri, May 01, 2015 20:12

Corrupt Stockport LibDems began construction of their road-for-votes illegally too early and now it is expensively hitting the buffers. But who will pay the spiralling costs? I can’t afford to, can you? All to buy votes for a few corrupt politicians.

A good friend having his home destroyed by corrupt Stockport LibDems

Bypass Posted on Fri, May 01, 2015 20:09

Lovely bird looks on as corrupt Stockport LibDems destroy ancient woodland for votes.

Woodford Road Hole, has someone dropped a clanger?

Bypass Posted on Fri, May 01, 2015 20:07

Remember, this is your money being wasted as the dodgy LibDem bypass for votes construction hits expensive problems.

Letter to Councillor Laura Booth

LibDem Councillors Posted on Fri, May 01, 2015 19:21

Dear Laura

Thanks for your letter above. I would never, ever vote for LibDem PPC for Hazel Grove Lisa Smart, and here is why.

She is running a dirty election campaign. Do I want someone who is a nasty piece of work as my local MP? No, I have had enough problems with the horrible Mr Stunneybuns.

Do I want to vote for someone who is currently destroying ancient woodland and Green Belt? No. Do I want to vote for someone who intends to destroy the habitats of otters, kingfishers, breeding lapwings, owls and the Lesser Silver Water Beetle in order to purchase a few votes for her and her very dodgy political cohorts? No.

Do I want the beautiful Goyt Valley at Stockport destroyed? No. Do I want the beautiful, peaceful graveside of my lovely young son enhanced by a bypass yards away? No, although LibDem Leader Councillor Derbyshire wants that for her young son’s graveside. She is one strange woman!

Smart let her mask slip when I attended Mr Stunneybuns constituency office (which I pay for) to raise the issue of LibDem human rights abuses at Stockport – the bullying to death of a sick, innocent man. Smart couldn’t bundle me out of the door quick enough – her and her “partner” – another nasty piece of work.

When Smart has got what she wants from you, Laura, I doubt she will take your telephone calls.

I used to think you were a councillor with principles. It would appear I was wrong.

