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Stockport Council News

They got everything wrong, as usual

Aquinas College Posted on Tue, October 08, 2013 17:11

Email sent – 29 September 2008 19:23

Dear Ms Chase

I thought I was right that evidence regarding the disposal of the contamination has to be sent to SMBC. Please see the following from the EA:-


Prior to the commencement of development approved by this planning permission (or such other date or stage in development as may be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority), a scheme to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the local planning authority. That scheme shall include all of the following elements unless specifically excluded, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.

1. A desk study identifying:

· all previous uses

· potential contaminants associated with those uses

· a conceptual model of the site indicating sources, pathways and receptors

· potentially unacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site.

2. A site investigation scheme, based on (1) to provide information for an assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off site.

3. The results of the site investigation and risk assessment (2) and a method statement based on those results giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken.

4. A verification report on completion of the works set out in (3) confirming the remediation measures that have been undertaken in accordance with the method statement and setting out measures for maintenance, further monitoring and reporting.”

I shall ask the FOI Officer, who will ignore me, and then get her legs slapped again by the Information Commission.

Lots of love


LibDem Council abuses planning law, yet again!

Aquinas College Posted on Tue, October 08, 2013 17:03

Email sent – 26 September 2008 17:25

Dear Ms Chase

Many thanks. According to Mr. Schulz you are supposed to go through the FOI Officer, which is illegal because planning matters have to be open anyway.

The Council is refusing to acknowledge any FOI request, which is illegal, and has today had their legs slapped for that from the Information Commissioner. If they persist in what is, in fact, criminal activity, who knows where Mr. Schultz might end up.

I said that the certificates had to be shown to SMBC not the EA, but will check my facts.

Kind regards



Friday, September 26, 2008 1:39 PM

Oops! I’ve just realised that I sent this last e-mail to you in error rather than to Steve Lamb – sorry! I wasn’t sure if I was meant to correspond with you directly or go through our FOI Officer. I hope, however, that you received my earlier e-mail addressing the points you raised below.



26 September 2008 11:18

Ditto my last e-mail – shall I respond? I am only aware that this could be the start of quite an extensive dialogue…..



Email sent 25 September 2008 18:20

Dear Ms Chase

I think you might be wrong here – I think they do have to show SMBC the certificates. I shall check my facts and get back to you.

I would be obliged if you confirm that I have the following facts correct:-

Aquinas commissioned a contamination survey from Faber Maunsell paid for by the taxpayer. It was inadequate but never mind.

Once the application was through planning stage they then employed Greater Manchester Geological Unit (owned by Stockport Council) to commission another survey (paid for by the taxpayer) which demanded less stringent contamination remediation measures. Just trying to check the facts.

I shall cc this to the local press again.

Kind regards



September 25, 2008 1:41 PM

Dear Ms Oliver

In response to your e-mail dated 25th September, I can advise that the College are not under any obligation to provide the Planning Authority with contamination disposal certificates. I suggest that you contact either the Environment Agency or Urban Vision to ascertain if such certificates are required by them. As I stated in my earlier e-mail, conditions on the planning permission require the submission of a Validation Report to confirm that the remediation required has been carried out. This report will be submitted to this Planning Authority in due course.


Jane Chase
Planning Officer

Do a goodish report to get through planning, then jettison it for something easier

Aquinas College Posted on Mon, October 07, 2013 20:46

Email sent – 25 September 2008 18:19

Dear Ms Chase

I think you might be wrong here – I think they do have to show SMBC the certificates. I shall check my facts and get back to you.

I would be obliged if you confirm that I have the following facts correct:-

Aquinas commissioned a contamination survey from Faber Maunsell paid for by the taxpayer. It was inadequate but never mind.

Once the application was through planning stage they then employed Greater Manchester Geological Unit (owned by Stockport Council) to commission another survey (paid for by the taxpayer) which demanded less stringent contamination remediation measures. Just trying to check the facts.

I shall cc this to the local press again.

Kind regards


Reply from Jane Chase, Planning Officer

Aquinas College Posted on Mon, October 07, 2013 20:44

September 25, 2008 1:41 PM

Dear Ms Oliver

In response to your e-mail dated 25th September, I can advise that the College are not under any obligation to provide the Planning Authority with contamination disposal certificates. I suggest that you contact either the Environment Agency or Urban Vision to ascertain if such certificates are required by them. As I stated in my earlier e-mail, conditions on the planning permission require the submission of a Validation Report to confirm that the remediation required has been carried out. This report will be submitted to this Planning Authority in due course.


Jane Chase
Planning Officer

Again, was the contamination dealt with correctly?

Aquinas College Posted on Mon, October 07, 2013 20:41

25 September 2008 18:13

Dear Ms Chase

I shall cc this to the local press for their information.

As you may know the Environment Agency is only concerned with contamination of groundwater and not children. I shall, however, contact the great lads at the EA and find out what is going on.

Local people tell me that the contamination is being removed off site on lorries which return within a very short space of time – maybe 15 minutes. I would like to know under the EIR 2004 where these contaminents are being dumped. If it is Adswood Tip, is that a licenced contamination facility? If you can’t answer these questions, please pass this email on to someone who can.

Finally, if you find this email in any way offensive, please pass a copy to Barry Khan, Council Solicitor, who is keeping a secret dossier on me.

With warmest best wishes


Was the contamination correctly dealt with?

Aquinas College Posted on Mon, October 07, 2013 20:39

Email to the Enforcement Officer, SMBC in whom I have no reason to have much confidence

24 September 2008 20:2

Dear Sir or Madam

Are the planning conditions regarding Aquinas college with regards to contamination being complied with?

I look forward to hearing from you and will cc this to the local press for their information.

Kind regards


Further email to the Learning Skills Council

Aquinas College Posted on Mon, October 07, 2013 20:37

I am panicking about the £42 million, but they are not!

24 September 2008 20:23

Dear Sir

Is someone at the LSC keeping an eye on the Aquinas College new build at Stockport, which has been given 94.4% funding – highly above normal limits? There are some worrying developments. I am hoping taxpayers’ money of £42 million isn’t simply handed over for these projects without any further checks being kept?

There are some worrying things going on.

I shall cc this email to our local press for their information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Reply from the then Head of Planning

Aquinas College Posted on Mon, October 07, 2013 20:33

September 15, 2008 9:06 AM

Hi Sheila

In the light of your later message, I will put this on hold. For information, the planning permission does not require the change of land ownership, but requires the sports facilities to be provided not later than 6 months after occupation of the development.

Let me know when the book is published. I might ask you to sign a copy for me…..

(For information, dear readers, the community sports facilities weren’t provided).

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