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Stockport Council News

Rachel Roswell is fine with the financial issues. Should she have been?

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 11:27

Rachel Roswell, Strategic Accounts Children’s and Young People’s Directorate, is happy with Section 11 of the PEP Cost Control. Should she have been?

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Rising School Costs

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 11:23

Why weren’t the LibDem Executives concerned about these rising costs? Why did they use defamatory measures to try to silence a concerned council taxpayer on these matters?

Capital receipts of £6,679,000 shrink to £1.6m

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 11:11

At the diversion of footpath across the school site public inquiry held on January 6th 2010, Donna Sager, Assistant Director of Children’s Services, gave evidence to the Inspector that £1.6m of capital receipts would be funding the school. However, on 22nd of March 2008 in a report to the Executive Committee the Council claimed £6,679,000 of funding for Vale View School was to come from capital receipts – the sale of redundant school land. All along I had been saying that this source of funding would not be available at this level to the Council and they branded me as “vexatious” for correctly identifying this problem. These documents can be more clearly viewed at –

Why are we still paying architects fees of £130,000 after the school has opened?

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 11:02

Why are we still paying architects fees to NPS Stockport of £130,000 even after the school has opened? Don’t know and it is “vexatious” to ask apparently. This document can be more clearly read at

Suddenly they find the extra millions – where from?

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 10:58

April 2008 and the cost is now £9.94 million (why?), but they now have all the money (how?) “Vexatious” to ask. Do you remember in July 2006, when it cost less, they were £2.4 million short

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The stalling tactics the LibDems employ

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 10:48

The then Leader says I am unwilling to provide details of the financial irregularity of almost a quarter of a million pounds. I had provided details dozens of times but everything was ignored. The more times you have to repeatedly send things to them, the more it counts as being “vexatious”.

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They choose a figure of £1450m2

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 10:43

They choose a figure of £1450m2 for the school. They then maintain there is a price rise because the area of the proposed school has risen from 2600m2 to 3185m2. This is an increase of 585m2. At the cost they have agreed £1450 m2 – so 585m2 x £1450 means a cost increase of £848,250 by my reckoning and not the £1,050,000 they have quoted.

Under the Council’s Fraud and Financial Irregularities policy I should be able to report this irregularity to any councillor or council officer. Believe me I have tried. There may be a simple explanation but with an irregularity of £201,750 somebody should have looked into this. No, “vexatious” of me to mention it apparently.

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I tried to question the errant £2.4m to no avail

Vale View School Posted on Mon, May 06, 2013 10:31

It is not possible to challenge or complain about arrogant LibDem Stockport Council, and they don’t even comply with Information Commission rulings.

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