Email from Mrs Penkethman to Andrew Gwynne MP sent 14 September 2013 14:36
Dear Mr. Gwynne,
Could you please obtain for us information on the sale of North Reddish School. I phoned Murray Carr who instigated the sale and asked him why this transaction has been rushed through in secret without any advertising. …… he did admit it had not been advertised in the local paper, but then said that a for sale board had been put up on the building and had been there for the past twelve months. …… (it hasn’t), and we also have 40 photographs taken to prove it. Why also has the school been sold for a song? £205,000 is an insult asked for a building of that size, as you very well know. Who were the surveyors?
This whole issue has been done in such a corrupt way, when people in the area were not aware that it was up for sale, yet people living in Birmingham were; what a whitewash if there ever was one.
Hoping you will oblige.
Patricia Penkethman.