Why have the costs risen so much, I asked the LibDem Executive at Stockport Council? “Don’t be vexatious”, they replied, and they still do.
April 2008 the £5.5m school is now £9.94m
Vale View School Posted on Thu, February 06, 2014 22:42- Comments(0) https://blogging.sheilaoliver.org/?p=909
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Alarm at rising costs of toxic waste dump school
Vale View School Posted on Thu, February 06, 2014 22:35..but still the LibDems who run Stockport Council claimed it was “vexatious” to mention this – and they still do!
- Comments(0) https://blogging.sheilaoliver.org/?p=908
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Mark Hunter LibDem MP – the Marie Antoinette de nos jours
LibDem Councillors Posted on Thu, February 06, 2014 19:37This is the most pressing issue on LibDem MP Mark Hunter’s mind. Never mind the people forced to use foodbanks, the flooding, the flogging off of the NHS. etc, etc, etc
- Comments(0) https://blogging.sheilaoliver.org/?p=907
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SMBC’s own words
Bypass Posted on Thu, February 06, 2014 17:54“It is important to note that the SEMMMS A6 – Manchester Airport Relief Road has not been designed to accommodate the specific impact of the North Cheshire Growth Village proposals and the existing funding in place does not allow for additional measures that might be required; in this regard the direct implications of the North Cheshire Growth Village proposal are of significant concern, as they are in relation to the already significantly constrained A34”
- Comments(0) https://blogging.sheilaoliver.org/?p=906
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