Couldn’t run a whelk stall
SK Solutions/ISSK Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 20:44- Comments(0)
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Incompetent LibDems
SK Solutions/ISSK Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 20:42“Local authorities are demonstrating ever more clearly their inability to manage, control and operate via wholly owned subsidiaries, the various functions hitherto run completely in house. This is for a variety of reasons but one cause is their lack of awareness of the fundamental principle of “arms length” relationship in finance, trading and elsewhere. The rules are necessary in order to be able to judge performance but also to let the local management get on with the job and the Authority must act only as shareholders and as such they can get involved only at important meetings like AGMs, EGMs. The operation of this principle is now being examined closely in its nationwide application to multi-national concerns by HMRC in order to ensure each unit is paying its fair share of tax. Google, for example, does all its billing from Ireland and Starbucks only pays a small fraction of what is expected in Britain – £10 million on sales of £3 billion.
While we must focus on the present triple dip recession, amateurs like Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council should concentrate more on their own business or hire people who can and/or bring everything back indoors.
Despite all the concerns regarding the following, Councillor Derbyshire, Leader of Stockport Council, again refused to respond to a question regarding financial irregularities of several million pounds at another SMBC Arms Length Management Organisation – NPS.”
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Realising what a mistake the LibDems made with ISSK
SK Solutions/ISSK Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 20:38The expensive-for-the-counciltaxpayer experiment by Goddard, Derbyshire et al now has to be reversed with care services being brought back in-house.
“Comments/Views of the Executive Councillor:
Given the recent developments in integrated locality working following the emergence of
the CCG this is a tremendous opportunity for the service to return to the Council and play
a key role alongside other front-line staff in maintaining people in their own homes and out
of acute and residential care.”
Ye Gods and little fishes. They set this Schweinerei up, fail to monitor it properly and when it fails miserably they see it as a “tremendous opportunity”.
Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 5 (6) of the above named
regulations, the Chair of the Adults & Communities Scrutiny Committee has agreed to waive the
requirement to give 28 clear days’ notice that the report detailed below may be considered at a
meeting of the Executive where the meeting may move into private session. This is to prevent the
disclosure of information that is “not for publication” in the course of making a decision as the report
will contain information that is considered exempt or confidential in accordance with Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended):
Decision Maker Executive
Meeting Date 7 January 2013
Subject Area for Decision ISSK: Proposal to return Home Support to Council Control
Report contact Terry Dafter, Services for People, Tel: 0161-474-4401
Documents submitted/to be
submitted to the meeting for
Executive Report
Appendices that is exempt from publication
The reason that the item is likely to be considered in private is:
The appendices to the report will contain information exempt from publication under Category 4 of
Schedule 12 A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) in that it contains ‘Information
relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in
connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown
and employees of, or office-holders under the authority’.
The reason that the matter is urgent and cannot be delayed is:
the Council needs to begin consultations with employees about TUPE as soon as possible after the
Executive Meeting on 7 January 2013 (should the Executive accept the proposals) and any delay in
beginning these consultations would mean the Council was not able to take the necessary steps to
ensure it can provide the reablement services currently provided by ISSK by the start of the next
financial year and that the Council can set the budget accordingly
The agreement of Councillor Sheila Bailey was obtained on 20 December 2012
A final decision on whether this item will be considered in the private will be taken at the meeting.
The Executive will decide whether it will discuss the confidential information in the report or whether
it wishes to only discuss those elements of the report that are public documents, thereby avoiding
the need for that part of the meeting or the decision to be taken in private.
Democratic Services, Stockport Council, Town Hall, Stockport, SK1 3XE,
Public Document PackThis page is intentionally left blank
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Spiralling costs – bad Mrs Oliver for mentioning it.
Vale View School Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 19:16 The cost was spiralling, but I was banned from mentioning it. Too “vexatious”. Bent LibDems.
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Definition of Fraud
Vale View School Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 19:00 The Stockport LibDems and the toxic waste dump school. Fraudsters.
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Architects fees for the Vale View School 2009/10
Vale View School Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 18:31 1/4/2009 – 31/3/10 – Architects fees of £5, 459.27
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Architects fees for the Vale View School £130,131.18 2011/2012
Vale View School Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 18:24
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And today’s LibDem tree destruction in the bird nesting season
LibDem Councillors Posted on Fri, March 06, 2015 18:12- Comments(0)
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