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Stockport Council News

Stockport LibDems don’t know how to balance the budget in 2017/18

Senior council officers Posted on Tue, February 16, 2016 17:24

“While it is difficult at this stage to envisage exactly how the Council’s budget will be balanced in 2017/18 and future years …”

Stockport Council Tax 3.75% rise

Senior council officers Posted on Tue, February 16, 2016 17:15

“Recommendation(s) of Executive Councillor: (d) The Executive is asked to recommend that the Council Meeting:

 agrees the Budget for 2016/17 described in the report and set out in Appendix Three;  notes and comments upon the financial forecasts for 2016/17 to 2020/21 (Appendix Eight), and the key issues to be addressed in formulating a response to the future financial challenges facing the Council;  passes the appropriate Council Tax resolutions which produce a Council Tax increase of 3.75% ..”

£100m pothole repair scheme

Council Borrowing Posted on Tue, February 16, 2016 17:09

“The Highways Investment Programme is a ten year capital programme that aims to maintain and improve transport networks. The overall scheme is £100.165m and is predominantly funded by corporate unsupported borrowing (£91.983m) with £8m capital grant from Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan 3. 2015/16 is the second year of the scheme, there is £12.176m in the programme for Footways and Carriageways works. All preventative work is now complete, 276,000m2 of Footways and 352,000m2 of Carriageways have been completed to date and an operational programme has been developed for the remainder of the year.”

SMBC Executive Meeting Agenda document 16/2/16

Stockport Market under threat from dodgy LibDems

Stockport Market Posted on Tue, February 16, 2016 05:34

Dodgy LibDems threaten 750 yr old market

Stockport Market Posted on Tue, February 16, 2016 05:25