I asked to see the bypass meeting minutes. They have them all in one place. They have let me have them before. They have to keep them secret or we will find out what a Schweinerei they are making of it, as they do with everything.
Dear Mrs Oliver,
I am writing in response to your request for information (ref FOI 6444).
The relevant Council Service(s) has searched for the requested information and our response is as follows.
The initial request would result in over 18 hours of officer time. We asked for clarification/refinement which we hoped would have reduced the time element. As the clarification you provided was for ‘all minutes’ this did not refine the request.
Therefore the information you have requested in this request is exempt from disclosure under Section 12 (Fees) of the Freedom of Information Act.
It is anticipated that this request alone would take in excess of 40 hours to locate and retrieve the requested information. This on its own would be in excess of the fees limit, also when aggregated with your previous recent requests on the SEMMMS project this would be far in excess of the appropriate limit.
Simon Oldfield
Freedom of Information/ Data Protection Officer & RIPA Coordinator
Stockport Council