I may, of course, be wrong but wasn’t this LibDem Executive Councillor in charge of schools in circa 2006 when the primary schools were shut and the land sold off for housing. She now bleats that the school places poser just has to be solved. Well, if there had been a little more foresight from these LibDem Executive Councillors in the recent past, and they were warned of the stupidity of their actions at the time, then children in the Borough of Stockport would not find themselves in this very unsatisfactory situation of not having a school place now.
This Stockport Express article can be more easily read here – http://www.sheilaoliver.org/school-places-shambles.html
And, it is alleged, that when LibDem Executive Councillor Alexander had to serve community service for causing death by dangerous driving, she served those hours of community service in the Citizens Advice Bureau – no scrubbing off graffiti from the Market Place for her then!
Also, fellow citizens might recall that when serving as Mayor of Stockport, she arrived late and chatting at the Remembrance Service during the silence.
LibDems eh, dontcha just love ’em.