Email received Wednesday, September 30, 2009 3:37 PM

Dear Mrs Oliver,

I write as Clerk to the Registration Authority to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below of the 21st September 2009 and to note in particular that as indicated, you do not wish to alter the description of the locality or of the neighbourhood within the locality that is described in your application as being –

“Administrative area. Political Ward – North Reddish neighbourhood – housing bounded by Gorton Road and the two railway lines that intersect at Thornley Lane South”.

Yours sincerely,
John Hill
Principal Conveyancer and Compulsory Purchase Officer
Clerk to Stockport Registration Authority
for Town Greens
Stockport Legal Services
Business Services Directorate

And my response sent – 30 September 2009 19:09

Dear Mr Hill

I note once again you have refused to address the issue of the hundreds of pounds map. Why was this demanded of me and presumably not of other applicants? I contend that you are not impartial in your dealings as is your legal duty.

Also, why didn’t you attempt to contact the owners of the CPO land?


Mrs Oliver