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Stockport Council News

Money for Bypass but not road repairs

Bypass Posted on Wed, April 24, 2013 18:09

The Looney LibDem Council wastes millions on a doomed-to-failure-at public-inquiry bypass, whilst neglecting the existing infrastructure.

Money for Bypass but squeeze those least able to pay over residents’ parking

Bypass Posted on Wed, April 24, 2013 17:57

Those least able to pay will have to pay extortionate charges to park outside their own homes.

Money for Bypass but not for bowling greens

Bypass Posted on Wed, April 24, 2013 17:39

Plenty of money for the bypass, but none to maintain much loved bowling greens

Money for Bypass but not for School

Bypass Posted on Wed, April 24, 2013 17:34

There is all the money in the world for the bypass that no-one but the LibDems want, but no money for things that really matter.

What is Going On?

Bypass Posted on Tue, April 23, 2013 20:17

From the front page of the Airport City official website:-

“Globalisation, demand for air travel and pressure to diversify mean 21st century airports are evolving into destinations people travel to, rather than just through. They complement city centres, offering not only a gateway for travel but also an economic hub where people live, work and play. These developments have become known globally as ‘Airport Cities’.

Manchester is the UK’s only regional airport with the attributes to successfully realise such a concept and Manchester Airports Group has been planning its own Airport City for 5 years. Sitting alongside growth in passenger forecasts, this development will capitalise on Manchester Airport’s unique combination of: Location, multimodal connectivity, infrastructure and land assets.”

Contrast that “Vision” with the Council’s reply:-

“Given that the Airport City development is specifically targeted at international trade, no formal consideration has been given to any potential impact on Stockport town centre.”

Jobs will go as businesses re-locate, but SMBC hasn’t considered this!

Bypass Posted on Mon, April 22, 2013 20:18

Dear Mrs Oliver,

I am writing in response to your request for information (ref FOI 7052).

The relevant Council Service(s) has searched for the requested information and our response is as follows.

Given that the Airport City development is specifically targeted at international trade, no formal consideration has been given to any potential impact on Stockport town centre.

No Money for School Crossing Patrols, but plenty for Bypass Consultants (£2.5 million)

Bypass Posted on Sun, April 21, 2013 22:38

No money for school crossing patrols, so children get injured, but £2.5 million over next two years available for often incompetent bypass consultants, and the bypass will fail at public inquiry.

Are these LibDem councilllors fit people to hold public office? I often wonder.

No Money to Repair Play Equipment, but Plenty for Bypass Consultants

Bypass Posted on Sun, April 21, 2013 22:33

What disgusting priorities these LibDems have.

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