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Stockport Council News

Lord Goddard. Alice Through the Broken Glass

SMBC Complaints Dept Posted on Thu, March 28, 2013 21:45

It is not actually possible to get a complaint dealt with by Stockport Council. A lady with dementia in her nineties deliberately left alone amongst broken glass. Nothing done about it whatsoever.

One more indication of what goes on in Stockport Council and people who complain can even be imprisoned

CPS up to their usual tricks.

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, March 28, 2013 20:06

Dear Sheila

Regarding CPS complaint of my email sent on 14/03/2013 of why nothing was being done about notice given on 21/01/2013 at Stockport Magistrates Court.

Under s23(7) POA 1985 I was given 35 days to serve notice (which was done in 7). Yet the CPS can take 3 months to do nothing, and it is then me who’s being asked why things take so long they end up out of time.

If the CPS wait for listing – if it is after 7/5/2013 they won’t be able to do anything, as I will be in hospital from 4/4/2013 for approx up to 28 days.

That only leaves 3 days to investigate and bring charges to put before the courts, so that justice could be done.


Lord Goddard – Secret Meeting to hand over another £750,000 of your money

Blackstone Shambles Posted on Thu, March 28, 2013 16:56

The Executive Meeting on 2nd of April 2013 held in secret (as usual) will decide to hand over £750,000 of council taxpayers’ money to developers who should never have been chosen in the first place,-offerton.html

Councillor Roberts in the driving seat, tweeting away, no doubt.

Can you afford another £750,000? I can’t!