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Stockport Council News

Vulnerable council taxpayer imprisoned – then Leader, Dave Goddard, delighted

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 06:06

Then Leader of the Council sends me Mr Parnell’s bail notice. “I have attached the actual bail notice” At that point I had no authority to act on his behalf. Mr Parnell was sent to Forest Bank prison, but eventually released to 8am to 8pm house arrest on grounds of his very poor health. He is an officially designated vulnerable council taxpayer. I dread to think how they would treat the robust ones like me!

Documents can be viewed more clearly here –

Dave Goddard, former Leader, gleefully intends to inform the press about a council taxpayer wrongly found guilty

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 06:01

The then Leader of the Council delightedly intends to inform the press regarding an officially designated vulnerable council taxpayer, who was subsequently acquitted, who has been punished by the courts. “I hope you will forward this information to your media friends, if you don’t be assured I will.”

Document can be viewed more clearly here –

Dave Goddard, former Leader

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 05:54

The former Leader of Stockport Council sent me this email gloating when an innocent man was sentenced to two years 8am to 8pm house arrest. Mr Parnell was subsequently acquitted after the council employees were found to have perjured themselves in a Crown Court, 3 day, £10,000 per day appeal.

Document can seen more clearly here –

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