Andrew Stunell, LibDem MP, is certainly part of the problem here. Supposedly a Christian gentleman it is I who wouldn’t pass over on the other side regarding the Town Hall protester and not his local MP paid a large amount of our money to help such people.
Mr Parnell is recognised by the Council as a vulnerable council taxpayer (probably as the Council’s actions of hundreds of custodies, dozens of arrests, 2 years 8am to 8pm house arrest, persecution over non-existent council tax arrears drove him to attempt suicide in a police cell).
Not only has ‘caring’ Stunell done nothing to help him over perhaps a decade, he has actively tried to prevent me helping Mr Parnell.
What has been done to Mr Parnell has been witnessed by all the LibDem Executive Councillors, as Mr Parnell attended every council meeting, when not in police custody or prison, to try to get those paid to assist him to do just that. What has been done to Mr Parnell started under Mark Hunter, LibDem MP, when he was LibDem Leader of the Council. All the LibDems at Stockport know full well what has been done to this innocent, gentle man who only asked for counselling for his two troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council. They even took him to court a few weeks ago knowing he is suffering from very serious cancer – oesophogeal cancer with lymph node spread.
LibDems eh Don’t ever trust ’em!