This document can be more clearly viewed at –
The Council then claims he owes council tax arrears (he doesn’t, I have seen all his documents regarding this). To sort it out he has to go into the Council at Fred Perry House. If he does this he faces 5 years in prison for every breach of a criminal ASBO imposed on him for a crime he didn’t commit.
If he needs to access Citizens Advice for help this is situated in Fred Perry House. If he enters Fred Perry House he faces 5 years in prison for every breach.
If he writes to the Council they ignore his correspondence.
I asked to be able to act on his behalf and provided a written letter of authority. The Council claimed they never received it. I obtained another one and the FoI Officer refused to accept it. I obtained another one and they briefly allowed me to act on his behalf before then again refusing to let me.
Kafka would have felt very at home in LibDem Stockport.