The LibDems say it is “vexatious” of me to question the missing playing fields at Harcourt Street, North Reddish, Stockport. Maybe the Chair and Board of the excellent Sport England are not “vexatious”.
The LibDem Executive Councillors refused for the umpteenth time to respond to a question about the missing replacement playing fields at Harcourt Street.
The toxic waste dump school development was in contravention of the town plan and only scraped through on the proviso that replacement facilities be provided for local people before the school opened. Two years on there is no sign of them and yet again this Tuesday, Roberts, Derbyshire, Candler, Meikle, Bodsworth, Alexander, et al refused to respond saying I was being “vexatious”.
I have, therefore, written to the Chair and every member of the Board of the excellent Sport England in the perhaps vain hope that the LibDems might not consider them “vexatious” to be raising the matter.