Email sent – 05 August 2011 17:59
I wish to submit the following questions for the next Executive meeting. If I am unable to attend, please let me have written responses.
1) The car leasing scheme comes under Councillor Candler’s Portfolio and I would like to ask when he was first aware of it when it was set up, which Cllrs approved it and why it cannot be abolished forthwith.
2) Given this story on the front page of the Manchester Evening News today:-
and as the two sites have amazing similarities, will the Council now be answering questions regarding the Harcourt Street toxic waste dump school and stop the ludicrous pretence that these are vexatious?
Please make sure all executive councillors are made aware of this question, especially if the Council continues to block all information on the dangerous nature of this site, as there may well be legal repercussions for all of you. I shall cc this to the Council’s underwriters, who must be really concerned about the calibre and honesty of the people whose actions they are expected to provide cover for.
Finally, I asked about Derbyshire’s rental properties at the last full council meeting, but got no reply.
We must stamp out corruption in planning at Stockport.