23 December 2013 11
Dear Mrs Oliver
I confirm receipt of your emails sent to the PCC info line on 22 December 2013 advising that you wish to make a complaint against Mr Bernstein.
I assume that Christine Abdy, whom you say won’t disclose police documents to you, is based in the GMP Information Services Branch and was responding to a Freedom of Information request you made?
Kind Regards
Nigel J Battersby
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
for Greater Manchester
Civic Centre Complex
Chorley Road
M27 5DA
Email sent 22 December 2013 08:35
Dear Police and Crime Commissioner
I shall cc this to a Daily Mirror journalist with an interest in the appalling job being done by Fahy in Manchester.
I wish to make an official complaint about Russell Bernstein and his refusal to look into the appalling case of Mr Parnell RIP in which an innocent protester was hounded year after year and thousands of police man hours and presumably hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money were wasted on something that Stockport Council had a legal obligation to sort out themselves.
I note Russell Bernstein and one of the main culprits Dave Goddard in this case follow each other on Twitter. Mr Bernstein should have asked somebody else to look into this – someone impartial.
I would now like to you again look into the appalling case of Mr Parnell RIP and examine the police documents being held by Christine Abdy (she won’t disclose them to me for fear of bringing the police into disrepute but she should disclose them to the Police & Crime Commissioner). You will find hundreds of illegally filled out police documents (incorrectly spelled, often no mention of the legislation under which he was being arrested etc) used to persecute an innocent man on behalf of corrupt local policians.
I look forward to your prompt action in this matter.