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Stockport Council News

How can the excellent Alan Dransfield also be “vexatious”?

Vale View School Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 20:51

How can these questions from the excellent Mr Dransfield also be “vexatious” along with my questions pertaining to multi million pound fraud? LibDems eh, what’re they like?

From: FOI Officer
16 July 2013 11:30:42 BST

FOI Officer
FW: Valve View School Outstanding Issues – FOI 7420 –

Mr Dransfield,

am writing in response to your request for information (ref FOI

request for information has been refused under Section 14(1) of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 as it has been deemed vexatious.

the term vexatious is not defined by the legislation, I have taken this decision
considering the themes as provided by the Upper Tribunal case of Information
Commissioner v Devon CC and Dransfield [2012] UKUT 440

Council has received numerous requests for information from you since June 2011.
On the whole, these requests have related to various building regulations and/or
safety inspections primarily about Vale View Primary School in North

9th April 2013 I provided you with a refusal notice explaining why the decision
had been taken to refuse your (at the time) outstanding FOIA requests.

the FOIA provides a significant right to request information, this right is not
overriding. More importantly, this right does not extend to providing a channel
for unauthorised investigations into the legality of building constructions by
members of the public.

continue to attempt to use the Act in this way is considered to be vexatious in
the sense of it being a manifestly unjustified, inappropriate or improper use of

this request appears to be continuing this theme Stockport Council has taken the
decision to refuse this request for information under Section 14(1) of the FOIA.

this request has been refused, there is no provision for an internal review to
be conducted by the Council.

you are unhappy with this response, you are entitled to complain to the
Information Commissioner. I understand that you have already raised this to the
ICO under their reference
The Council are not
prepared to enter into any further discussion on this matter pending the outcome
of the ICO’s investigation.

Yours sincerely,


of Information/ Data Protection Officer & RIPA

Town Hall

0161 474 4048
Fax: 0161 474 4006

Adrian Moores – not me guv

Vale View School Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 20:41

Anwar Majothi has no recollection eh. Mr Majothi tells porkies.

Ban any discussion, FOI questions or council meeting questions on a subject year after year then say it is too late to comment. Dodgy Stockport Council.

Massive Data Protection Breach – no discussion of it

Barry Khan Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 20:26

Dodgy Stockport Council put the names, addresses and signatures of huge numbers of council taxpayers up on the Council website. At a full council meeting on a Thursday evening this was drawn to the attention of the Leader, all the Executive Councillors, all the senior council officers present, and all the other councillors. No action was taken to remove this damaging information until the following Monday when those affected complained to the police and the Information Commissioner.

Over that weekend Mr Parnell was arrested three times for trying to get his name, address and signature (and mine) down from the Council website (please see the video link below)

You can see from the Word document above from Stockport Council’s Freedom of Information Officer that they didn’t even hold any sort of meeting to discuss this serious breach of the Data Protection Act.

This is a truly horrendous council and at that time the Monitoring Officer was the dreadful Barry Khan.

Strange goings on

Bewilderwood Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 20:13

LibDem minister bigs up dodgy road

Bypass Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 19:02

Yet another LibDem toady comes along to a town she knows nothing about to push for the dodgy LibDem road for votes. Has this clown ever seen the Goyt Valley she wishes to destroy with their corrupt road for votes?

Again, not me guv

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 18:27

Not me guv.

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 18:25

Memorandum of Understanding

Bypass Posted on Sun, November 30, 2014 18:23

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