Mr Parnell RIP was acquitted of the ludicrous assault with a sneeze offence for which he went to prison, in a three day Crown Court Appeal. The police have post-mortem admitted in writing he never committed any offence at all. Why the hundreds of custodies, dozens of arrests, constant court cases hanging over him, two years 8am to 8pm house arrest and repeated incarcerations in Forest Bank prison then?
Mr Parnell refused to do community service, because he had committed no crime
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, January 13, 2015 14:09- Comments(0)
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Mr Parnell on the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, January 13, 2015 14:02Sadly, LibDem Stockport Council has negotiated an exemption from the Public Interest Disclosure Act. Whistleblowers are imprisoned/defamed across the Internet.
Mr Parnell put this question on Thursday 5th February 2009. No-one listened and they continued to persecute him until his death aged just 58.
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Mr Parnell RIP on the abuse of his human rights
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, January 13, 2015 13:55 Instead of considering their legal obligations under the Human Rights Act, he was kicked into his grave aged just 58 by the actions of Stockport Council employees and LibDem Councillors – people paid to help him with his simple problem – a request for counselling for his lovely, troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council.
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Message from Andrew Gwynne MP
Vale View School Posted on Tue, January 13, 2015 13:2113 January 2015
I wanted to update you on what happened at the Stockport MBC Planning Committee meeting last Thursday, in case you were not able to make it.
Despite the fact that there were over 1,000 written objections and only one letter of support, as well as a 14,000 signature petition against the proposal to build 70 houses for sale within the boundary of Reddish Vale Country Park, the Planning Committee voted to grant approval citing as a special exception the need to raise money from this development as a contribution towards the cost of the Brinnington Regeneration Scheme.
There was a lot of anger and disbelief at the way the meeting was conducted and the very one-sided slant that was presented both by the planners and proposers of the scheme. However, as the land in question is in green belt, which is a national protection, the final say will rest with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, who does have the power to ask the Planning Inspectorate to call in the application for a planning inquiry and make recommendations to him as Secretary of State. He does have the power to overturn planning permission in those circumstances.
I did ask the planning minster Nick Boles a few months back about what would happen in a case such as the Reddish Vale one and I attach below his reply.
What is interesting is that he says that any changes to green belt in order to be developed requires green belt boundaries to be amended through the local planning process and as far as I can see Stockport MBC has not done this, but have instead granted planning permission for a development within green belt rather than amending the green belt first.
If people want to make their views known to the Secretary of State you should write to him at the Department for Communities and Local Government, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DU quoting the Stockport MBC planning reference.
Please rest assured that both I and the Reddish Labour councillors remain of the view that an encroachment into Reddish Vale Country Park should be avoided, not least because it sets a very worrying precedent for the future and the country park is greatly valued by all the communities that surround it.
Best wishes,
Shadow Health Minister
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SMBC Expenditure over £500 – November 2014
Expenditure over £500 Posted on Tue, January 13, 2015 10:02Alma Lodge Hotel – £1,692.29
B & E Boys Ltd – £218,124.80
Bethell Construction – £198,091.96
Boots – £23,343.06
Carillion – £619,465.89
Cheshire East Council – £70,000
Civica – £41,828
Cosocius – £3,561.00
Dept of Communities and Local Government – £252,195.66
Devere Venues – £1,134.00
Dodd Group – £201,806.02
Gallagher Bassett – £50,000
George Cox & Sons – £309,639.29
Greater Manchester Combined Authority – £2,081,200.00
Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority – £1,436,750.00
Hardall International – £115,106.50
Heathcotes – £29,828.04
Hill Property Services Ltd – £44,517
Kenneth Lee Taxis – £15,480
Mouchel Consulting – £41,835.82 (likely to be for the bypass)
Muse Developments – £81,359,77
Pure Innovations – £359,724.00
Seddon Construction – £426,959.62
Solutions SK – £2,262,910.76
Stockport Homes – £3,091,306.44
Transport For Greater Manchester – £58,836.11
Trinity Mirror Publishing – £33,731.94
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