Just a few of Mr Parnell’s arrests –
I refer to
your below request for information from Greater Manchester Police Authority
received by email on the 15 May 2011. This request has been dealt with
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In answer to your question.
In response
to a previous Freedom of Information Act request, an Inspector of Greater
Manchester Police with knowledge of the matter informed me:
Parnell is well known to us on my patch however I am unable to breakdown the
number of times we have dealt with him whether that was simply advice or
resulted in his detention.
As you correctly assume there is no
specific fund or costing allocated to Mr Parnell to enable us to identify costs
it would be part of general duties. The problem is increased as we hold a
number of budgets for each NPU or response team none of which drill down to the
fine detail in respect of which individual was arrested etc. Given the number
of units several would have had dealings with Mr Parnell and it is not possible
to collate these collectively”.
Other than
the above, as Greater Manchester Police
Authority is a separate organisation from Greater Manchester
Police, the Police Authority does not
hold information relating to the number of times officers of
Greater Manchester Police has been called out to Mr Parnell etc.
However it is possible that Greater Manchester Police may hold some or
all of the information you require. If you require any further information
I would advise you to
resubmit your request to the Greater Manchester Police Freedom of
Information team at the following email address:
If you are unhappy with the way Greater Manchester Police Authority has
handled your request for information, you can request a review by writing to:
Mr Russell Bernstein, Executive Director, Greater Manchester
Police Authority, Salford
Civic Centre, Chorley
Road, Swinton, Salford,
M27 5DA.
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or
complaint, you have a right of appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Wilmslow, Cheshire,
SK9 5AF.
Telephone: 08456 30 60 60
or 01625 54 57 45
There is no charge for making an appeal.
Yours sincerely
Nigel J Battersby
Greater Manchester
Police Authority
Salford Civic
Chorley Road
M27 5DA
Tel: 0161 793 3040
Fax: 0161 793 3085