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Stockport Council News

Hold Greater Manchester Police to account

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, January 22, 2015 17:22

Members of the public will be able to have their say on the accountability of Greater Manchester Police.

Members of the independent Committee on Standards in Public Life will visit the city next month.

They are gleaning information as part of an inquiry into policing and public accountability, which will report to the prime minister after the General Election.

Their visit to Manchester on February 5 comes after health and safety charges against GMP relating to the fatal shooting of a Salford dad were dropped.

Anthony Grainger was killed by a police marksman in Culceth, near Warrington, in March 2012 as he sat unarmed in a car. Concern over the sensitive information being aired in court prompted the Crown Prosecution Service to offer no evidence in the case.

Committee members will meet the region’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Lloyd, Deputy Chief Constable, Ian Hopkins, and members of the Police and Crime Panel for Greater Manchester.

Greater Manchester is one of a sample of police areas being visited across England.

David Prince and Sheila Drew-Smith, of the Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL), are also holding an open session from 11.30am to 12.30pm in room 312 at Manchester town hall to meet interested parties or members of the public who would like to hear more about the inquiry or give their views on policing accountability in Greater Manchester.

The committee is also asking the public to tweet @publicstandards or email in advance with any questions they would like them to ask the PCC, Police and Crime Panel or the police.

The CSPL is an independent, advisory, nondepartmental public body that advises the prime minister on ethical standards across the whole of public life in the UK. It monitors and reports on issues relating to the standards of conduct of all public office holders. CSPL was established in 1994 by the then prime minister, Sir John Major, following a number of high-profile cases of misconduct by public office-holders.

Tony Lloyd was elected as Crime Commissioner in November 2012. The turnout of the Greater Manchester electorate was 13.6 per cent.

Lord Goddard asks why Council was allowing Mr Parnell to protest, he soon stopped that.

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, January 22, 2015 06:31

In the previous years, Mr Parnell’s legal right to receive help had simply been ignored in the tried and tested Stockport Council way. Once Dave (now Lord heaven help us all) Goddard became Leader in May 2007 the vicious treatment of Mr Parnell began with the assistance and collusion of Stockport Crown Prosecution Service, the Police and the Magistrates Court.

Dodgy, dodgy Stockport.

This document can be more clearly read here:-

Sick, innocent Mr Parnell not even allowed to cross town to attend a medical appointment – vile, ruthless LibDems

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, January 22, 2015 06:08

This document can be more clearly read here: –