Vicious and corrupt Stockport LibDems.
He had entered the town hall – a sick, innocent man asking for help
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, March 17, 2015 09:27- Comments(0)
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Constantly under arrest, in court, in prison, under house arrest
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, March 17, 2015 09:25All on the say so of the corrupt ruling Stockport Council LibDems.
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Police decide to stop arresting him on trumped up charges eventually.
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, March 17, 2015 09:21 “The police have made a decision not to take any further action in respect of the outstanding allegation of breaching Restraining Order.” Well bully for them. They finally decided not to act as henchmen for their corrupt LibDem Masonic chums at Stockport Council.
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Mr Parnell had been acquitted in 2010. Yet the arrests continued.
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, March 17, 2015 09:14 Sick, innocent Mr Parnell had been acquitted of the ludicrous offence of assault with a sneeze in 2010, but the vicious, immoral Stockport LibDems hounded him to his grave aged just 58. He only asked for counselling for his lovely, troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council.
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Year after year an innocent man hounded to death
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, March 17, 2015 09:08
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