‘leader@stockport.gov.uk’; ‘pam.smith@stockport.gov.uk’; ‘craig.ainsworth@stockport.gov’; Jonathan Vali <jonathan.vali@stockport.gov.uk>
Melissa Ivinson <Melissa.Ivinson@tfgm.com>; newsdesk@men-news.co.uk; news@mailonline.co.uk; Paul Dacre <news@dailymail.co.uk>; mary.robinson.mp@parliament.uk; ‘william@williamwragg.org.uk’; Bailey.Harding <bailey.harding@ntlworld.com>; ‘FOI Officer’ <foi.officer@stockport.gov.uk>; ‘sue.stevenson@stockport.gov.uk’; ‘cllr.dave.goddard@stockport.gov.uk’; ‘cllr.iain.roberts@stockport.gov.uk’; ‘cllr.mark.weldon@stockport.gov.uk’
Email sent – 26/07/2017 19:08
Dear Leader, Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer
Branded a waster of the valuable time of council officers and councillors for asking about this problem years ago:-
Mr Ainsworth/Mr Vali – please ensure this reaches the Chief
Executive and the Monitoring officer
I raised the issue of the removal of waste soil and the
lorry movements with Stockport Council years ago. I knew all about it
because I was one of the few people who had bothered to read the £250k
Environmental Impact Assessment. Councillor Harding was the only
other person I met who had also read it. I was informed by LibDem
Councillors Goddard/Roberts/Weldon that I was wasting the very valuable time of
councillors and council officers by raising this matter.
It now transpires, quelle surprise, that no-one else had
considered this. Was it a certain Stuart Jackson who wrote to me slapping my
legs for mentioning this? I can check.
Fortunately, the arrogant and incompetent
Weldon/Goddard/Derbyshire/Roberts no longer hold power in Stockport, and thank
(insert relevant deity) for that!
I would like a written apology for having been treated like
this. Maybe the new Chief Executive is a decent person – we shall see.
I would like please to ask this question under the FOIA and
EIR 2004:
Who was responsible for
this glaring failure – the Council or the Contractors? Who will pay to
put this right, and what is the cost likely to be?
I look forward to hearing from you
and also to having replies to the numerous council meeting questions I have
raised in recent months without response. I have also exercised my legal
right to information from the Council’s annual accounts regarding the total A6
MARR expenditure this year – again without response.