Dear Lords Standards

I wish to draw your attention to the actions of Lord Goddard when he was Leader of Stockport Council.  I understand that you may not be able to act on events prior to his becoming a Lord but this may apply:-

“If the complaint is about something that happened before their elevation, the House of Lords Commissioner for Standards may not have jurisdiction to investigate it, unless the behaviour has ongoing consequences or impacts their conduct as a peer.”  I believe it is unsuitable for him to contribute to the legal process in this country, given he has done so much to undermine both it and the resources of the police/courts/CPS and probation service.

The issue is regarding sick, innocent Mr Parnell RIP, who adopted two young girls who had had a terrible time with their birth parents.  At first they were getting excellent help from After Adoption, set up by the family of Lord James Timpson.  That help stopped, but Stockport Council was given a large amount of money from After Adoption to carry on this service – £60,000 I believe.  After 10 years of asking Stockport Council for counselling for his daughters, Mr Parnell stood on the Town Hall steps, sometimes night and day, until he got help for his family.  After a while the  Council started having him arrested for crimes such as using the town hall loo, which he had written permission from the Chief Executive to do, trying to leave a council meeting before the end, or the ludicrous assault with a sneeze.  The Council had CCTV showing this hadn’t happened, but Goddard and the Council refused to allow it to be shown at his magistrates’ trial.

Mr Parnell was arrested several times a day sometimes for offences such as trying to ask a council meeting question. I used to beg the councillors and police to stop.   The Bobbies sometimes listened; the councillors never did.  These are documents from some of his arrests/custodies/imprisonments:-,-arrests,-imprisonment-1.html

Lord Goddard and this LibDem Executive Councillors are shown in the Council Log asking if they can stop him protesting:-

Goddard sent me the email below and a CPS copy of Mr Parnell’s bail notice.  How did he get hold of a CPS copy of a bail notice and why send it to me?  At the time Stockport Council wouldn’t accept Mr Parnell’s letter of authority to act on his behalf. Did Goddard commit a Data Protection offence?

The John  Smith mentioned in the Council log above was a LibDem Executive Councillor and former Greater Manchester policeman and Council law enforcement officer.  It would appear that he was also a paedophile:

There were actually 2 out of 8 Stockport LibDem Executive Councillors who were caught paedophiles:

Mr Parnell was constantly being told to call the police to his daughters, who were going off the rails.  He couldn’t understand why he was being told to do that when he was trying his best to help them.  I assume the paedophile Smith, being a former policeman and GM Police having a justifiably appalling reputation, would have had access to the girls following their arrest.  Mr Parnell never had his daughters arrested.

Mr Parnell was constantly in custody, under arrest or in prison.  He was a sick man yet he wasn’t allowed to attend a medical appointment and was not allowed to contact his solicitor without their permission:

The Chair of the Magistrates, Shan Alexander,  was also a LibDem Executive Councillor and herself narrowly escaped a prison sentence :

Mr Parnell had Barrett’s Oesophagus, a pre-cancerous condition made worse by stress.  He was crying when he told me he had an operation booked for Stage 4 cancer at the  Christie Hospital in Manchester, but he was being taken to court on the same day by Goddard’s council for council tax arrears he didn’t owe.  He told me if he didn’t attend court they would take him back to prison, despite the fact that they knew he had terminal cancer.  On the day his operation was cancelled due to lack of a surgeon, he attended court and the case was thrown out in 10 minutes.

I suppose you will tell me that you can’t act, but Goddard having orchestrated the above, is not a suitable person to hold any public office.  I attach an email from Greater Manchester Police sent to me following Mr Parnell’s death at 58 admitting he had been completely innocent.

Kind regards
