Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 15:09
“Dear Sheila
Mike here i am dropping you a line to let you know what is happening at this end, today i received a letter from our MP Mr Stunell and within that letter it makes reference to; at my request he has arranged a meeting with senior council officials to see what he can sort out, also contained in the letter (this is what is in my mind i am thinking, because he is lib dem and along with the council they might be on the back foot and ready to turn and then be on the run) he makes reference to yourself and as stated reads; “In the meantime I received the attached email from Mrs Oliver” and also is wrote If you intend to re-engage Mrs Oliver to act on your behalf please let me know so that he can withdraw, and then he says “As you know, I am ready to help, but not in competition with Mrs Oliver”, Sheila how dare he say that and act in such a way he is to both of us our MP and he has a duty to act on both our behalves to that we have concerns over, You are the only person that has so far given support, you truly care and that is a big part in our wellbeing, you help because you willing choose too, and your help is greatly apriciated with my warmest Thank You, Sheila i back you all the way in questioning the accountability of the council, it is your right as it is mine to question when things go wrong and also question those who have caused it, and that is whether it is those who have suffered the wrong or those who have seen it happening , i am greatly pleased that you are asking questions this helps me and i feel helps us both to question, from just one questioner it cant carry as much response than that which will be given to a community of questioners, please with my backing keep asking all your questions, today i phoned our MP and Steve Houston office and instructed them that your emails, you were asking questions because you have concerns and i back your rights to ask those question and your asking of those questions was on your own behalf and that there could be others that might start asking to same questions, I spoke with Jayne Reynolds from Mr Houston’s office and she was taking notes I told her I had no rights to stop you asking any question and i backed you fully in your right to ask any question even if it related to matters concerning myself, and if you requested information from myself I would be freely providing it, sheila thank you many times i’ll finish short of all i have to say my pc is running slow and i want to send this before it packs up. catch up later.
Love Mike”