In a response to my council meeting question asked 26/2/13 dated 5th March 2013 Stockport Council Executive Committee states:-
“The Council regrets the amount of time it has taken to bring forward the comprehensive regeneration of Offerton Precinct.” (But why so long only to find itself in a corner?).
“At present, the Council is not expecting to bear any capital costs associated with this scheme although there is always some element of risk in any such project. The Council has considered these risks carefully and is prepared to accept these risks to ensure the scheme moves forward.” (The risks could have been minimised long ago. Last minute trauma is not a good place to be when making these decisions. Many years have gone by etc).
The brief response to my question says a lot! The council regrets the time taken to get nowhere – i.e., to “bring forward the comprehensive regeneration of the Precinct” to a point where it was forced into a corner by the former Precinct owners.
At present they are not expecting to bear any capital costs but acknowledge risk, risk risk – wait and see.
Why didn’t the LibDem area committee or the LibDem Executive or Steve Burns, top planning banana, do the sensible thing and allow the Lisburne Group to have developed this site in concert with the wishes of local people back in circa 2006?
Shenanigans, and no mistake!