Email sent – 07/06/2011
Subject: Police Authority Meeting, Stockport town hall
I note the Police Authority are coming to Stockport Town Hall – a jolly good idea!
Will you be allowing Mr Parnell to attend and will you be allowing him to put a question should he so desire, or will you try to have him arrested on a restraining order on a crime of which he was acquitted after council employees were found to have lied to the Court, and Ged Lucas, Assistant Chief Executive, couldn’t be bothered to respond to nine attempts by the police to contact him to ask him to appear before the court, and following which he was severely criticised by the judge? Just wondering.
You remain my humble servants
Dear Mrs Oliver
I refer to your email copied to the Chair of the Police Authority on 7 June.
The meeting is a public meeting open to all and it certainly will not be the intention of Greater Manchester Police Authority to attempt to restrict attendance by any particular members of the public.
Yours sincerely
Nigel J Battersby
Greater Manchester Police Authority
Salford Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5DA
Tel: 0161 793 3040