31 August 2010 09:25

Dear Mrs Oliver,

Please see my email to you dated 13th August 2010.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Naven

Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council

From: Sheila Oliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 27 August 2010 06:55
To: FOI Officer
Cc: Michael Parnell
Subject: Mr Parnell’s data request

Dear Ms Naven

Please confirm you are dealing with my data request about Mr. Parnell. I need to send the results to the Home Secretary who is going to abolish ASBOs. This evidence will be useful to her. I also need to send it to the journalist who will be covering Mr Parnell’s show trial in November.

It merely takes a simple acknowledgment from you.

Kind regards


13th August 2010 11.17

Dear Mrs Oliver

Your cheque addressed to ‘Concealment of Information Officer’ has been received.

Your cheque has not yet been cashed; nor is your request being dealt with because I am yet to receive information requested from Mr Parnell. I suggest you contact him for an update of the situation.

Yours sincerely

Clare Naven
Sheila Oliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 07 August 2010 07:42
To: FOI Officer
Cc: Michael Parnell
Subject: Mr Parnell’s documents

Dear Ms Naven

On 26th of July I sent you a cheque for £10. I have received no acknowledgment. Please send this and confirm you are releasing the requested documents.

Teresa May is proposing to banish ASBOs, but she will face a fight in the Commons over this. I have sent her details of Mr. Parnell, which is a disgusting and shocking case and no doubt one which will be very useful to her.

You need to be careful that you do everything correctly.

Please confirm that you are processing this request.




14 July 2010 10:2
Dear Mrs Oliver,

I am writing in response to your email below (ref DP 3152).

The consent you provided from Mr Parnell was sent to the Council 12 months ago. With this in mind, I have written to Mr Parnell to confirm that he still consents to the Council releasing his personal and sensitive personal information to you. If the Council receives this consent, I will contact you again to confirm that your request on Mr Parnell’s behalf will proceed, at which point we will require the statutory £10 fee.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Naven

Claire Naven

Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council

From: Sheila Oliver [mailto:sheilaoliver@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 09 July 2010 05:39
To: FOI Officer
Cc: Jennifer Williams; Michael Parnell
Subject: Mr Parnell – Data request (not a FOI request)

Dear Ms Naven

You already have authorisation from Mr Parnell to disclose any documents to me. I wish to see any information the Council holds on Mr Parnell and any information the Council has passed on about him to any other council or public body. I shall be making a request to several other bodies to see what information Stockport Council has provided them regarding Mr. Parnell, so perhaps it would be better to be honest and open at the outset.

I shall drop in a cheque for £10 to cover your costs.

With very warmest best wishes
