This is the supposed 1970s police station from where Sam Tyler jumped to his death from the roof. Anyone who has had dealings with the vile Stockport LibDem councillors may have felt the same inclination.
So, their plan to stop me asking questions about the toxic waste dump school failed. They had to find another way
I had already seen the school documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act. They were on a chair in Donna Sager, Project Manager’s, dark office at Stopford House. I merely wanted to re-read them and see any new additions.
Andrew Webb, Director of Education, her boss, and something high nationally in Children’s Services – I kid you not -refused my Freedom of Information request on grounds of cost.
Andrew Webb was a massive liar – 84 hours reading time £2,140 and 14 hours copying time (I asked for and needed no photocopies) at a cost of £350.
All that money to remove the many supposed secrets pertaining to one new primary school. Come off it Webb – a man who to me had the demeanor of a diseased weasel.
GMGU – Greater Manchester Geological Unit was in part funded by Stockport Council.
BS10175 states that contamination investigations must be done on a strict grid pattern. This was not done at the new toxic waste dump primary school site. There were no trial pits dug over the football field, which where the school was going and which was directly over the rubbish in-filled clay pits at the former Jackson’s Brickworks.
The ///////// lines are where the old clay pits were. Directly where the school was going.TP 5 wasn’t dug at all and the CBR findings are for land stability and not contamination, so no grid pattern at all.