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Stockport Council News

It was “vexatious” to ask the iffy Stockport LibDems why carbon dioxide levels of 14.7%v/v were accepted by them despite their own council guidelines of 0.5%v/v.

LibDem Councillors, Vale View School Posted on Wed, May 12, 2021 19:18

Stockport Council’s own guidance on carbon dioxide exposure, (written for a sister site at Midland Road), does not recommend exposure levels above 0.5%v/v. The carbon dioxide levels for the new, still gassing toxic waste dump school were 14.7%v/v.

When I started asking questions about their suspect planning, the LibDems had to try to shut me up.

LibDem Councillors, Vale View School Posted on Wed, May 12, 2021 16:04

I asked a question at the Executive Council meeting (all LibDem councillors). Mark Hunter, then Council Leader and John Schulz, Chief Executive, said I had been so rude to a council officer that I may never contact another Stockport Council employee ever again. There was no appeals process and no time limit to this ban.

“Goodness, Sheila, what have you done”, asked excellent Stockport Express reporter Peter Devine. “I have been asking questions about the school”, I replied, “and they don’t like it”.

When I threatened to sue them for defamation – this was said at a public meeting – they backed down completely and had to find another way to shut me up.

The LibDems hadn’t had proper contamination investigations carried out this second time, as there were no investigations on the football pitch, which covered most of the site and was where the new school was going.

LibDem Councillors, Vale View School Posted on Tue, May 11, 2021 18:40

Local people forced the LibDem Executive Councillors to carry out more contamination investigations.

LibDem Councillors, Vale View School Posted on Tue, May 11, 2021 18:26

CBR trial pits were nothing to do with contamination but California Bearing Ratio.

Trial pit 5 wasn’t dug and the CBR investigation points at the top right of the documents weren’t carried out, as the Council didn’t own the land.

LibDems kept pretending this site was not contaminated.

LibDem Councillors, Vale View School Posted on Tue, May 11, 2021 17:29

The LibDem Councillors pretended the site was clean.

LibDem Councillors, Vale View School Posted on Tue, May 11, 2021 15:02

Local people knew its history and demanded the council arranged a contamination investigation. They did one borehole, which would laughable if it wasn’t potentially so tragic.

LibDem strange behaviour at the still-gassing, toxic waste dump primary school.

LibDem Councillors, Vale View School Posted on Tue, May 11, 2021 14:17

The then LibDem run Stockport Council knew this site they had chosen for a new school was seriously contaminated. It didn’t stop them pretending it wasn’t.

Three planning applications were refused in the past due to the toxic nature of the site.

LibDem planning corruption at Stockport – Monitoring Officer fine with this.

Vale View School, Vicki Bates, Monitoring Officer, Stockport Council Posted on Sat, September 14, 2019 07:54

The Stockport Council assistant monitoring officer Michelle Dodds and Vicki Bates, Strategic Head of Service & Monitoring Officer (Legal, Democratic Governance and Estate and Asset Management), say I am vexatious to have ever raised this issue.  Ms Dodds and Ms Bates obviously care nothing for children’s safety.

The Stockport then-entirely LibDem Executive decided to build the new 500 pupil, still gassing toxic waste dump school at this location where traffic was already horrendous:

Most of the cars  from the houses within the red lines on the photo below, which have to exit their housing estate along narrow Mill Lane past the new, still gassing toxic waste dump primary school, were ignored at the planning meeting. What about the traffic from all these houses I asked and asked?  Don’t be vexatious they replied, and they still do –  Ms Dodds and Ms Bates, Stockport Council panjandrums.

Within weeks of the new school opening the police had complained about the dangerous traffic situation, which I had previously warned the Council about:

The school was issuing letters to parents and residents about the dangerous traffic situation, but still my questions on the subject were and still are “vexatious”.

It would be bad enough that Ms Dodds and Ms Bates, Monitoring Officers, don’t care about children’s safety enough to allow questions to be asked about the traffic situation, but my young son died in a traffic accident aged just 16.  For these women to call a mother who lost her child in a traffic accident “vexatious” for correctly identifying the dangers to primary school children is so offensive to me as to be off the scale.

My son

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