The Council took this sign down and threw it in a ditch shortly before they published their development plans for the site.
They should have put a notice like this in the local paper and if there were objections to the loss of the site, they should have held a public inquiry.
The senior highways officer belatedly looks at the traffic proposals and realises they won’t work (even though local people and I had had a meeting with him six months before to discuss these problems).
Below was the existing traffic problem at the proposed entrance to the new toxic waste dump site school before the 550 pupil school was built. Did anyone listen to these concerns at the planning meeting? Of course not – these were LibDem councillors.
Did they actually spend the £200,000 on drainage. I was not allowed to ask – vexatious and being a nuisance to them – but from the outcome below it is very, very doubtful.
This was the Risk Register – obviously the drainage issues of a toxic site from which the lethal brown asbestos fibres were removed by the bin bag and stick method by temporary workers who didn’t understand the importance of what they were doing over an important aquifer and draining into a fishing pond.
A blue plastic drainage pipe connected to nothing. Was that where the £200k on drainage was spent?