When the evidence spewed out on just how contaminated the school site was I asked him to apologise to me and admit that he had been wrong. Did he? Did he Buxton!
The Dodgy Stockport LibDems finally were forced kicking and screaming to remove the contamination from the new primary school site. However, foreign labour was used. I doubt they knew what they were actually involved in. One contamination worker actually removes his respirator and a builder walked past completely unprotected.
They used the tried and tested bin bag and stick method to find and pick up lethal blue asbestos fibres.
I told the Dodgy LibDem Executive Councillors at the time that this was woefully inadequate for such a lethal site. “Don’t be vexatious and a nuisance,” they said, and they still do.
I kept asking whether the further contamination investigations demanded by the Environment Agency had been carried out. Stop being “vexatious” they bellowed, in the press, in council meetings and by post – but, no, they didn’t bother to do any further contamination investigations.
I got nowhere and I couldn’t let the young children be at risk so I took my documentary evidence to the wonderful Environment Agency people at Warrington. They did listen and they acted.
Conservative councillor Brian Bagnall had a meeting with me, read my contamination documents and subsequently refused to vote the school through. Some decent councillors at Stockport then.
The Council “forgot” to tell the Environment Agency about the plan to build the school on toxic waste, although BS 10175, which they claim to have complied with, states the EA should have been informed at the outset.
When the Environment Agency emailed the Council to tell them not to decide the application on grounds of contamination, the Council “forgot” to inform the Planning Committee.