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Stockport Council News

Arrested three times for trying to report a Data Protection Offence

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 16:23

Names, addresses and signatures, including Mr Parnell’s, were posted up on the Council’s website. The Council was informed of this serious Data Protection breach at the full council meeting on a Thursday, but refused to take down the illegally posted personal details until a council taxpayer complained to the police and Information Commissioner the following Monday. Executive Councillor Bodsworth, who used to work for the Information Commissioner in Data Protection, did nothing.

Over that weekend Mr Parnell was arrested three times for trying to get his name, address and signature removed.

He is such a non-person with Stockport Council that they refused to listen, as did the police.

No talk ever of sorting his problems out – just talk of locking him up.

If I beat you up…

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 14:30

The security guard is left to deal with the problem, but the blame lies with Khan, Webb, Majothi, Goddard, Weldon, Derbyshire, Candler, Roberts, Bodsworth, Pantall et al whose job it was to sort out this simple problem years beforehand. They told Mr Parnell to go away and wait in 2007. He waited and waited and got nowhere, and then decided to stand on the town hall steps until someone helped his daughters. No-one ever did; they just repeatedly sent him, a very sick man, to prison. They were still trying to do that as late as four weeks ago in the full knowledge that he is seriously ill with cancer. Have these people no humanity whatsoever?

How counciltaxpayers at Stockport are spoken to

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 14:07

After being beaten up, threatened and sworn at many times, Mr Parnell started filming what was being done to him by Stockport Council. It was this mass of video evidence that led to his acquittal in a three day Crown Court Appeal. There are a large number of such video clips.

Why didn’t Khan, Majothi, Goddard, Derbyshire, Weldon, Webb, Pantall, Smith, Candler, Bodsworth et al simply arrange the counselling his troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council needed?

Here he is called “a piece of sh”t”. Nobody has ever been reprimanded for this. It is, apparently, perfectly acceptable behaviour in LibDem Stockport:-

Whopping lies by Stockport Council Director

Vale View School Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 08:15

The full document can be read more clearly here –

How could it take 84 hours to take out all the secrets from a file on a new primary school? Another whopping lie by Director of Children’s Services Andrew Webb. The Information Commission says files must be kept in reasonable order. I had already seen the documents some time earlier and just wanted to re-read them and read any new documents on the subject. Is Andrew Webb a fit person to hold public office? I often wonder.

Mr Webb, of course, is the official who had a legal duty to sort out Mr Parnell’s simple problem. His failure to do his job properly in that respect has cost the taxpayer probably hundreds of thousands of pounds –

Ponsonby House has been re-named Fred Perry House at a cost of £12 million!

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 07:09

Mr Parnell’s original criminal ASBO was not to enter Ponsonby House. When this was knocked down, for the purposes of continuing the vicious vendetta against him, the Crown Prosecution Service claims that Ponsonby House has been re-named Fred Perry House at a cost of £12 million!

“Further since the Restraining Order was made the building Ponsonby House has been re-named Fred Perry House.”

Only in corrupt Stockport could that sort appalling lie be tolerated. What are you on John Derbyshire and are you related to the current Leader, Sue Derbyshire?

Document can be seen more clearly here –

Cheryl Hramiak, CPS, fully aware of what was being done and let it continue

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 06:51

Ms Hramiak’s (Branch Crown Prosecutor) comments – merely that she is unable to communicate further on the matter and she let the vendetta continue.

Document can be seen more clearly here –

CPS part of the vendetta

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 06:38

Robert Marshall, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Greater Manchester CPS, was informed of what was going on in 2009 and let this expensive abuse of power continue.

Document can be seen more clearly here –

The Council then hounded him for council tax arrears which he didn’t even owe

Town Hall Protester Posted on Sun, April 28, 2013 06:28

When Mr Parnell wouldn’t give up on his quest to obtain counselling for his troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council. they started hounding him over non-existent council tax arrears (I have seen all his documents and he owes no money).

In order to sort out these non-existent arrears and to stop the bailiffs coming to his house, he had to enter Fred Perry House. To access Citizens Advice he had to enter Fred Perry House. For every breach of the criminal ASBO not to enter Fred Perry House, imposed on him for a crime of which he was acquitted, he faced 5 years in prison for each breach. So they had carte blanche to fabricate council tax arrears and every time he went to sort it out he faced further court cases and imprisonment. They refused to answer any letters from him. They refused to let me act on his behalf.

Further evidence of the non-existance of these council tax arrears available here –

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