Dear Anwar Majothi
I write in reply to your Email dated 2nd May 2012 10:54hrs which I opened on the 3rd May 2012 at 16:00hrs.
In rely to your request for the dates and names to progress my complaint to stage 2, the facts for further investigation must be those that would cause no further delay to the same as those said to have been already investigated at stage 1.
So as not to duplicate my complaint, please could you supply to me the dates and names that were investigated by Mr Denis McCarthy at stage 1 which was found by him not to contain any evidence that the security guards had assaulted me or made threats to my life.
There are many assaults on different dates that are required to be submitted separately for investigation and each of those individual complaints justification.
Following our meeting on Monday the 30th April 2012 I forward in this reply submit a further complaint that is one of the many assaults that have been reported to the police, following levies paid to the police service from the council tax I forward the correspondence (below) sent of the assault by coumcil employee’s, the council has a duty for submitting complaints to the policing service within the stockport community neighbourhood policing teams.
(As above) letter submitted to the police along with attached statement
Chief Superintendant Neil Wain
Stockport Police Station
Lee Street
Greater Manchester
Date 17th February 2009
Dear Chief Superintendent Neil Wain
Hello Chief Superintendent Neil Wain I hope you are well, I Michael Stewart Parnell write to you. following my visit to Cheadle Heath police Station Sunday 15th February 2009 at 08:00 hrs, on that day I was called there to give statement to the assault that happened on the 11th February 2009 the FWIN number is 1317, 12/02/09.
I call upon you to look into this on my behalf and please accordingly write stating why this matter is not being investigated by GMP, this matter on Sunday 15th February 2009 between 15:00 hrs 19:00hrs was brought to the attention of Cheshire Constabulary headquarters at Blacon Chester, the advice I was given there over the four hours attended was that if this matter was put forward to their force they would have to investigate,
There was contact between Greater Manchester Police and Cheshire Constabulary on Sunday night, as there was concerns for my safety.
I will be truly grateful if you could look into this matter and also answer to the letter I sent to you on 17th January 2009 I have not yet received a reply or acknowledgement, please accept my statement I tried to put forward Sunday morning for the assault 11/02/09 the enclosed 5 pages.
Yours Sincerely
M S Parnell, esq.