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Stockport Council News

Due Diligence

Urban Waterside Posted on Tue, June 25, 2013 07:49

Dear FoI Officer

Given the Blackstone debacle, has SMBC carried out due diligence checks on Urban Waterside? The potential costs of contamination remediation (if anyone bothers and SMBC didn’t bother at the toxic waste primary school) can be huge.

Kind regards


FOIA request 7350 – SMBC acknowledged receipt 25/06/13 at 11.45

Urban Waterside don’t appear to have enough money to deal with the expense of contaminated land

Urban Waterside Posted on Tue, June 25, 2013 07:44

I may be wrong, I often am, but like the preferred developers chosen for the Blackstone site, Urban Waterside don’t appear to have the finances behind them to deal with complex and potentially very expensive contamination remediation. Again, I stress, I may be wrong.

I shall ask SMBC what sort of financial due diligence in this matter they have exercised (no, please don’t laugh).

Play Streets – Marshalls

Waste of money Posted on Tue, June 25, 2013 07:36

‘Marshalls’ for the streets as kids play…sounds like the wild west…. is this town run by cowboys? I merely ask.

What about investing in decent children’s playgrounds?

More contaminated land – will matters be dealt with properly, or will local people be given cancer for profit?

Urban Waterside Posted on Tue, June 25, 2013 07:32

Email sent 07.28 on 25/06/13

Dear FoI Officer

Please may I see the contamination report for the planning application by Urban Waterside at Bridge Hall, Stockport.

This is a current issue and should involve no cost to the Council in retrieving this information.

Many thanks and kind regards


FOIA request 7349 SMBC acknowledged receipt 25/6/13 at 11.36

LibDems – electioneering at whose expense?

LibDem Councillors Posted on Tue, June 25, 2013 07:15

Sources indicate the LibDems intend using Romiley Forum for a Euro election co-ordination meeting for Greater Manchester. We need to see the invoice indicating they have paid to use it on a Saturday or Sunday, and paid upfront. Last year they used this venue, but we could find no evidence they had paid for its hire. Perhaps Councillor Roberts could kindly provide this evidence for us

The taxpayer already paid £5,000 for a LibDem leaflet folding machine, which should have been sold when the Communication Allowance was stopped, and the proceeds should have been returned to the public purse. Were they?

Work done by Cllr Roberts March 2013

LibDem Councillors Posted on Tue, June 25, 2013 07:01

Blog posts – B2B technical business writing

Mar 18, 2013


Article Writing


Feedback Comments:
“Thanks Iain for all the work.”

Cllr Roberts thinks it is none of our business for whom he works

LibDem Councillors Posted on Tue, June 25, 2013 06:55


I am an experienced freelance technical author. a experienced freelance technical author, how much does/did he charge for his services…and to whom?

I write documentation, articles, manuals, user guides and training materials. much/did he charge for this service for documentation, articles, manuals, user guides and training materials etc..and to whom?

Recent work includes software user manuals, an IT Security dictionary, Linux how-to guides and IT news articles.

Q..How much did he get paid, or charge , for his recent work of software user manuals, an IT Security dictionary, Linux how-to guides and IT news articles…and to whom?

I have a BSc(econ) degree from the London School of Economics and have previously run my own business, a] Q.. how sucessful was that ?

…..founded a co-operative of seven IT companies Q..what are there many if any went bankrupt etc?

…providing services around Open Source Software. Q..Did he charge for providing that service?