Email received from Andrew Gwynne MP 13th September 2012 at 20.20


I fully appreciate the potential issues. The problem is another educational use would not require planning permission as it is the previous use of the building.

I think we need to see precisely what options the owners come up with. Cllr Butler has posted on my Facebook page tonight the owner is possibly looking at some form of special school provision, but I have no other information than that at this stage.

Once I get more clarification of details I will see what options are available to the local community.

Bluntly, SMBC should not have sold the building on without thinking about the possible consequences for the locality, but this is just path of the course with this Council I’m afraid. They didn’t even consult with me. But, hey, I’m only the Member of Parliament!

I will do what I can to support local residents. Let’s see what further details the owners come up with.
