This email was sent to John Hill, Stockport Council’s legal officer – 12 October 2009 08:00
Dear Mr Hill
I have documentary evidence to show that the Council knew it needed to CPO the proposed turning circle almost a year before it submitted the CPO. Why was this land not included in the CPO? Is it because it would take the area to be CPOd over the 250 sq metre mark?
Councillors and council officers have a legal duty not to act illegally or recklessly. If the land for the turning circle needs to be CPOd, then children attending the school will be left in a dangerous situation for many years whilst the CPO is fought through the courts. My feeling is that your insurers won’t pay up for reckless or illegal behaviour, leaving senior council officers and executive councillors themselves financilly liable for the deaths of any children due to the very dangerous traffic conditions being created at this proposed school.
So, I suggest you all think very carefully before proceeding with this development and I should please like an answer to the questions above. I have ccd this to Mr Phillips at the DCSF for his information.
Mrs Oliver
Within weeks of the school opening the police had complained to the Council regarding the dangerous traffic situation around Vale View School.