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Stockport Council News

A Lawless Council

Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, October 15, 2013 19:22

Email sent – 09 March 2013 19:02

c.c. <>; <>; <>; <>; FOI Officer <>; <>


“No man is punishable or can be lawfully made to suffer in body or goods except from a distinct breach of the law established by ordinary courts of the land.” A V Dicey
(Except in LibDem run Stockport)

I am emailing and tweeting every person who hates the LibDems and every LibDem who professes respect for civil liberties evidence of what is going on in Stockport. Mr Parnell is a very sick man, as you all well know. I suggest you start now in trying to make amends for the disgusting traumas and trials you have put him and his family through.

I suggest you offer to make amends to me for the defamatory remarks covering up fraud which you have publicly made about me.



Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, October 15, 2013 19:18

Email sent – 27 March 2012 18:27

MICHAEL PARNELL <>; Steve Houston <>; Leader <>; <>

Dear Mr Majothi

I have absolutely no confidence that you will investigate this complaint in a proper fashion. Over the many, many years this has been going on you could have solved the problem of Mr Parnell by providing the statutory help that he was entitled to for his troubled daughters adopted from Stockport Council and you could have done this at minimal cost possibly five years ago.

It would be ludicrous for you to investigate this complaint. A complete whitewash.

I look forward to hearing the response from someone senior to deal with this matter. This case is being taken to the Inspectorate for the CPS, who are again today highly critical in the press of the prosecutions they are bringing. Mr Parnell’s prosecutions didn’t even meet the CPS’s own basic, legally binding guidelines for prosecuting a case.

All responses from the Council will be posted up in the public domain and forwarded to the very many enemies of the LibDems. Rupert Murdoch seems to be cleaning up politics now (it is a funny old World), and I can contact him directly via Twitter about what is going on here. I think the Council needs to make sure all its actions stand up to close scrutiny, because Mr Murdoch is hell bent on revenge on dodgy Coalition politicians. Just think of the human rights the Council has abused in this case, not only of Mr Parnell but his daughters and wife. The Council has a track record of driving vulnerable people to suicide. You should have helped him – that is your job. The LibDems believe in human rights; they are against waste of public money. Well, this must have cost me as a taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds and I am jolly annoyed about it. Just think how this case would look splashed everywhere highlighting their double standards. Rupert Murdoch would love this one.


Mrs Oliver

PS I have told you why I am unhappy with the Stage 1 complaint. Here we go again around in never ending circles, just as we did with what I correctly stated was the school on a dangerous toxic waste dump.

Steve Houston, a chocolate teapot

Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, October 15, 2013 19:14

26 March 2012 20:27

Anwar Majothi <>; MICHAEL PARNELL <>; <>; Leader <>

Dear Mr Houston

Regarding the letter sent by you on 8th March 2012, I can’t request Mr Majothi carries out the stage 2 complaint process because he is up to his neck in this case. He should have realised the Council had a statutory duty to help Mr Parnell and got off his bottom and done something. He didn’t – year after year after year. He is a massive part of the problem. You will have to deal with the Stage 2 complaint.

I have heard nothing back from Mr Parnell, so the letter of authority stands until you send me written confirmation that he doesn’t want me to act for him or I hear further from him. I am happy not to act on his behalf as I have a lot on my plate, but I wonder if the two council officers you mention are the same ones who threatened to kill him, kick his f*cking head in and ram his phone so far up his backside he would be sh*tting phone parts for a week, or, indeed, the ones who attacked him. Or, I wonder if they are officers who knew all this was happening (I sent you the video evidence) and did nothing about it. I hope you don’t mind if I don’t take the word of anyone at Stockport Council. Documentary evidence is needed before I stand down.

I am taking the matter to the Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate, who have recently been very critical of the CPS. I didn’t know they existed. Mr Parnell’s case should never have been taken by them to court as they failed to prove the five statutory tests they need to establish before taking a case forward, and they took a huge number of cases forward against him.

So, no whitewashes please. Just do your job and do it properly and every step of the way I shall keep interested parties informed of your responses.

Just some points from your letter which need raising:-

1) “this letter has addressed the issues raised under Stage 1 of the Council’s corporate complaints procedure.” No, it hasn’t!

2) “I have decided not to uphold your complaint”. This is not surprising but nevertheless disappointing. You were, of course, always likely to support Mr Khan.

3) “It would be inappropriate for the Council to investigate the complaints you have raised on behalf of Mr. Parnell…..he subsequently spoke to two Council Officers to retract the consent.”

This comment is unacceptable. It is vital to know who these supposed council officers are? Please detail their names and the circumstances of this alleged encounter.

4) “As you no longer have authority to act on behalf of Mr Parnell, the Council is not obliged to investigate the issues you have raised on his behalf.” I do have authority unless you prove otherwise.

I have experience of the Council’s complaints system which is innavigable. I raised with Mr. Majothi the fact that the school which I correctly stated had a £5 million black hole in its funding, was to be put on unremediated toxic waste. I got nowhere with Mr. Majothi and I think you will realise that I am no quitter. He is impossible to deal with. There are entire websites devoted to the sheer incompetence of our Local Ombudsman and as they employ former senior council officers, their impartiality is in doubt.

5) I have repeatedly raised this matter with the former Chief Executive, the Leader, the Current Chief Executive, Khan, Webb and all the Executive Councillors. I have the email evidence. To say I have not raised this matter before is an untrue statement and I wonder why you should claim that despite a large amount of documentary evidence to the contrary. I have been branded vexatious for contacting the Council repeatedly. If the Council stopped sending innocent council taxpayers to prison and failing to investigate their valid complaints, there would need to be less contact.

6) “Mr Parnell should have complained about these issues sooner”. Mr Parnell tried and tried and tried, as can be confirmed by the local reporter. He was repeatedly arrested for trying to enter council buildings. I have had to plead with the police not to arrest him for trying to leave a council meeting early. You forget there is masses of documentary police and court evidence. Please do not insult my intelligence by making such ludicrous statements which are ill-befitting to a senior and highly paid Council officer.

Your letter is full of shoulds and mays and inappropriates and when you say it is difficult to investigate Mr Khan you mean you really don’t want to.

Please proceed with this complaint and do so in an honest and professional matter, bearing in mind the close scrutiny to which your replies and indeed the whole complaint process at Stockport Council will be put.



To the Council’s underwriters

Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, October 15, 2013 19:08

c.c. <>; <>; Cllr Stuart Bodsworth <>; Cllr Mark Weldon <>; Cllr Dave Goddard <>; <>; barry khan <>; John Schultz <>; <>

15 September 2009 07:54
Dear Mr Farrar

Mr Parnell is highly likely to die in prison, maybe from hunger strike. Your insurers will end up paying out millions to his family because he has done nothing wrong. May I suggest you ask to see the CCTV of the alleged non-incident, which wasn’t allowed to be shown in the cosy-relationship-with-the-Council Magistrates’ Court. That would expose the corruption and get him out of Forrest Bank prison soon before anything even more terrible happens, with the resulting lesser claim against your insurers.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S J Oliver

Freedom of Information Campaigner, Stockport

Free Mr Parnell, victim of a corrupt council.

John Schulz, former Chief Exec of Stockport Council

Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, October 15, 2013 19:05

15 September 2009 07:19

c.c Martin Candler, Sue Derbyshire, Syd Lloyd

Dear Mr Schultz

Mr Parnell has been sent to a particularly nasty prison maybe until January 2010. We all know he did nothing – there was no sneeze on the CCTV, which was not allowed to be shown in the Magistrate’s court. This sentence beggars belief.

He is a very sick man and I think he is likely to go on hunger strike. If he dies, I will take apart all that has gone on and seek prosecutions against all who lied and acted in such an unreasonable way to him.

Despite pontificating in the local press about the wrong people being in prison, his local MP, as one has come to expect from him, has done nothing.

If Mr Parnell dies in prison, there are a lot of people at Stockport Council who will be held to account.


Mrs S J Oliver

Stockport’s Freedom of Information Campaigner

Free Mr Parnell, victim of a corrupt council.

Where Cllr Roberts lives there will be no juggernauts full of Chinese rubbish; not so for other residents

Bypass Posted on Tue, October 15, 2013 18:53