“I’ll tell you what; they tend to get rid of precisely the wrong people at Wirral Council don’t they? But that’s how abuse festers isn’t it? One or two ‘bad apples’ in positions of power, moral compass set to “gone west”, bigging each other up, employing their chumz, targeting and clearing out ‘troublemakers’, then scraping the barrel by treating their public as the ‘enemy’, to be engaged in battle, brought down and “crushed” by whatever means available…
…then before you know it, a reign of fear takes hold, the fish starts to rot, and the stench rises… Haha. Shouldn’t laugh though eh…?Because this is deadly serious.
Today at least, here is a victory for common sense, and the legitimate and compelling public interest. This is a line in the sand, however small, however thin, but it’s still a form of reckoning. They’ve been caught out bullying and abusing and simply CAN’T be allowed to continue flexing those muscles… over and over, with zero accountability.”