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Stockport Council News

He was constantly under threat of court cases

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, December 11, 2014 18:50

Mr Parnell was constantly under the yoke and threat of court cases, even after he had been acquitted. These court cases were always being adjourned or dropped on the day of the hearing.

The CIA could learn a lot about torture from the dodgy Stockport Council and their ?Masonic pals in the justice system.

“The Police will be called” and they were ?1000s of times

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, December 11, 2014 18:41

Why not help him with his simple problem instead of calling the police possibly thousands of time?

Mr Parnell had to attend police station as bail condition

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, December 11, 2014 18:35

Mr Parnell had his bail notice changed to state he had to attend the notorious Cheadle Heath Police Station (where people die in custody). How he reached Cheadle Heath without entering the 1 mile town centre exclusion area I do not know. How difficult did they all make life for this innocent, sick man?

Mr Parnell had to apply to the courts to allow him to visit his own solicitor

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, December 11, 2014 18:20

Because of the actions of corrupt Stockport Council, Mr Parnell was banned from going within 1 mile of the town hall. If he needed to visit his own solicitor he had to apply to the Magistrates Court to vary his bail so he could attend. Mr Parnell, the police have finally admitted, was a completely innocent man.

Mr Parnell arrested 3 times for correctly reporting Data Protection offence

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, December 11, 2014 18:07

Stockport Council posted up the names, addresses and signatures of council taxpayers on their website. They were told of the serious Data Protection offence on a Thursday evening in the full council meeting by an affected council taxpayer. It was publicly broadcast at that meeting that this information was available. Despite this the Council refused to act until the following Monday, when other affected people contacted the police and the Information Commission.

During that weekend Mr Parnell was arrested three times for trying to have his name, address and signature removed from the council website. Only in dodgy Stockport could such a thing happen.

Here is the video of him trying to report an offence. And he was arrested for it.

Former Council Solicitor Khan a big part of the problem

Town Hall Protester Posted on Thu, December 11, 2014 17:33

April 2008 and the vile then Council Solicitor, Barry Khan, tells the Local Ombudsman that he would arrange an advocate to help Mr Parnell with his simple problem, and the Ombudsman speaks of the “heavy emotional load” on Mr Parnell.

Six months later in October 2008 Khan “was planning to contact” Mr Parnell. He didn’t though.

It was a good day for Stockport when Barry Khan ceased being the Council Solicitor.