Email sent – 12 February 2015 19:09

Dear Councillor Derbyshire

No more porkies please.

On the same day I was blocked by Councillor
Roberts, Councillor Meikle, Councillor Goddard, Stunell MP, Cllr McAuley, Local
Lisa Smart LibDem PPC and Stockport Council. I
blocked them in retaliation.

Since I asked this question of Stockport Council,
my Tweets to Stockport Council have been unblocked, so I unblocked them

You have failed to answer my question on whether my
questions regarding the still gassing, toxic waste dump primary school, £5m
over-budget, with a dangerous traffic situation, with poor drainage, massive
architects fees and non-existent replacement public playing fields are still
deemed “vexatious” by the very same people who drove sick, innocent Mr Parnell
to his death aged just 58.

I look forward to your reply and will post this one
up on Twitter.

Kind regards



Email sent – 02 February 2015 18:20

Dear Democratic Services

Question 1

Please let me know if I am still banned as
“vexatious” for asking questions about the primary school built on unremediated
toxic waste, £5m at least over-budget, built too small which is an offence under
the Fraud Act 2006, which has obviously failed to spend the requisite amount on
drainage and replacement playing fields.

If this is refused please give me the name of the
person who refused it, so I don’t Tweet the name of the wrong

Question 2

Please let me know who decided to block me on
Twitter from Stockport Council’s Twitter account – the name please.

Best wishes
