Senior Crown Prosecutor Nick Smart, had you used your noggin at the outset, the public purse might have been saved huge amounts of money. Mr Parnell was completely innocent and now he is dead at just 58 – hounded to the very last by the Crown Prosecution Service on the say so of witnesses who had previously been found to have perjured themselves in the Crown Court. It would make a cat laugh!
Mr Parnell was innocent, Nick Smart, Senior Crown Prosecutor, and we all knew that from the outset
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 11:02- Comments(0)
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Just one month after he was acquitted dodgy LibDems/CPS have him back in the Crown Court
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 10:51
How much has all this malicious prosecution of a completely innocent, sick man cost the taxpayer?
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Well done K McAlinden Divisional Crown Prosecutor for finally seeing sense just before Mr Parnell died
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 10:40Finally, months before Mr Parnell died K McAlinden, Divisional Crown Prosecutor, finally decides to abandon all attempts to prosecute sick, innocent Mr Parnell, yet again, at Stockport Magistrates Court on 21st January 2013.
The police have admitted Mr Parnell was innocent all along. Despite his constantly being on Stockport Council CCTV there was no evidence of him every being threatening, abusive, using insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress or it would have been used against him in his many court cases.
What we need to ask ourselves now is why Stockport CPS colluded with corrupt council officers and councillors to repeatedly imprison a sick, innocent man who was kicked into an early grave aged 58 by their actions?
Mr Parnell, even whilst terminally ill, wanted the case to go ahead so he could prove his innocence.
What on earth has been going on at Stockport Crown Prosecution Service? Are there Masonic links to dodgy Lord Goddard? A certain John Derbyshire of the CPS (any relation to Sue Derbyshire, Leader of Stockport Council?) claimed that Fred Perry House was Ponsonby House re-named (at a cost of £12m) in order to keep on arresting Mr Parnell.
We must get to the bottom of what has gone on here.
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Hayley Parkes of the CPS, what were you thinking of?
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 10:20 Hayley Parkes of the CPS, Mr Parnell was innocent. The Crown Prosecution Service had all the evidence that he was innocent. What on earth were you thinking of in progressing this court case?
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Writ of Habeas Corpus against Barry Khan
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 10:11 Mr Parnell, just a simple, honest man, tried to get a writ of Habeas Corpus against dodgy former Council Solicitor, Barry Khan. The lengths Mr Parnell went to to try to stop corrupt councillors and senior council officers having him arrested. Sadly, he failed.
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Arrested for being “likely to break bail conditions”. Dearie me
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 10:02 “Arrested 15/12/09 for BA 76005 .. Arrest by constable for breaking/likely to break bail conditions – this is NOT an offence.
On 15/12/09 at Stockport in the County of Greater Manchester, you were arrested by a constable for breaking a bail condidion, namely to remain indoors between the hours of 08.00 and 20.00 hours daily between monday to friday, activated monitoring equipment at 13.59 hours on 15/12/09, being a person released on 03/12/09 by stockport magistrates Contrary to section 7 (3)(b), (4) and (5) of the Bail Act 1976
Reply – I cant reply without the presence of my solicitor. I wish to reply in front of my solicitor.”
And let’s not forget this chap is now admitted by the police to be completely innocent, so why arrest him in the first place if it is NOT an offence?
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Sworn Affidavit by Mr Parnell
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 09:34 Mr Parnell’s affidavit to try to get a writ of Habeas Corpus against Stockport Council Solicitor Barry Khan. “I, Michael Stewart Parnell do swear that this written affidavit is to the best of my knowledge a true and correct statement and thus by almighty god I solemnly do swear it is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Over a past number of years (11), I have been in dispute with a local authority, (Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council) in trying to get appropriate care for two children that were placed with my wife and myself, we were both together recommended and approved by SMBC to be adoptive parents for up to three children, two children were matched and placed with us from the care system (section 31) and the dispute is that SMBC are passing the book (sic) to who they say they think should be responsible for the care of those two children.
In my request for help with these two children SMBC have stated that if I am not happy with the service they have not provided, then I must put forward a complaint to them, this I have done and SMBC in response had unlawfully banned myself from any council property and imposed restrictions on contact, those being written, telephone/email and verbal contact.
The unlawful ban that was imposed and supported by letter was addressed to Mr S Parnell that is only one of the many clerical errors the council have administered, and the unlawful ban has been in place since October 2005, and has meant we are still waiting for my complaint to be followed through. I must now take some form of control and ask by what authority can SMBC put this family through the traumas we have been left to suffer, and why when there is in statute is SMBC breaching the laws of the land, under Adoption and Children Act 2002 SMBC have grossly failed to their statutory duty.
I have stood on Stockport Town Hall steps waiting in my peaceful protest since 26th June 2007.”
Wednesday, 1st April 2009
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Put under 2 years house arrest by a corrupt LibDem Council
Town Hall Protester Posted on Tue, February 03, 2015 09:19Two years 8am to 8pm house arrest for a completely innocent man. And LibDem run Stockport Council knew he was innocent. He had never been rude or aggressive. He just asked for his legal right to counselling help for his lovely, troubled daughters adopted from corrupt Stockport Council.
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