Still, it is “vexatious” to mention the dangerous traffic situation around the toxic waste dump school to the bent LibDem Executive Councillors, one of whom even caused the death of her passenger by dangerous driving.
There won’t be traffic gridlock, Mrs Oliver. There is traffic gridlock say the police.
Vale View School Posted on Tue, March 03, 2015 20:27- Comments(0)
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School costs risen from £5.5m to £9.94m but vexatious to question it.
Vale View School Posted on Tue, March 03, 2015 20:24
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Tney knew all along it was too small, so why spend £10m on it?
Vale View School Posted on Tue, March 03, 2015 20:19
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There may be financial procedure rules, but they are not followed.
S Houston Finance Director Posted on Tue, March 03, 2015 20:17
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How much do I pay Steve Houston a year to turn a blind eye to financial irregularities?
S Houston Finance Director Posted on Tue, March 03, 2015 19:44Email sent – 23 September 2009 19:17
So, we see from the attached the “obvious concern
over funding” expressed in March 2007 (when the cost was about £2.5 million
cheaper than it is now) and “advice required on how much of this goes in the
highlight report”
Mrs Sheila Oliver
Stockport’s Freedom of Information
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Steve Houston should have replied in 10 working days regarding financial irregularities – still waiting 5 years later
S Houston Finance Director Posted on Tue, March 03, 2015 19:22 Email sent 23 September 2009 19:44. No reply yet.
Please see the attached.
The new centre was to provide 78 nursery places. We
have seen that the birth rate in the area is rising. The nursery places now to
be provided at the proposed children’s centre are around 50. I assume this is
because the site is too small for purpose, in which case the school should not
be going on this site.
Given all I have sent you so far, I am starting to
smell a pretty strong rat.
Your comments please.
Mrs S J Oliver
Stockport’s Freedom of Information
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No Fraud and Financial Irregularity Policy under Mr Steve Houston
S Houston Finance Director Posted on Tue, March 03, 2015 19:17Email sent to Stockport’s Director of Finance 23 September 2009 19:16. I have not yet had a reply from him.
From the Harcourt Street Highlight report for
period 15/3/06 – 14/05/20
“Aspirations continue to
exceed budget provision and at this stage the scheme is undeliverable if the
funding (or Brief) is not revisited.”
Highlight report for period 15/3/06 –
“Funding shortfall will lead
to ultimate project failure if not addressed i.e., unable to enter into
contract”. This was when the cost was circa £8.6 million – it is now circa £10
From the Fir Tree Consultation with Governors
“There was concern from the governors that families
in the Fir Tree area will have difficulty in getting to the proposed new site.
The governors felt the outreach work would need to be increased as they felt
parents from the school would not walk to the new facilities. The governors
supports a new school but would wish the site to be in the Fir Tree
How much has the outreach
work been costed at?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mrs Sheila Oliver
Stockport’s Freedom of Information
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