At the primary school toxic waste dump site the area of the tip hadn’t been investigated at all, never mind the lower levels of it. Corrupt LibDems.
Concern that the lower level of the tip had not been tested, but not at the primary school site
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 18:12- Comments(0)
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Concern about the longterm safety of the gases? Not at the primary school toxic waste dump site
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 18:11
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Landfill gases being vented out in play areas – no danger of that at the primary school then…
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 18:06
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No concern about asbestos being vented out with landfill gases at the primary school…
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 18:03..where the LibDem Council stood to make a fast buck with the development. This was at the Adswood sister toxic waste dump site.
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Risk to site users – why take the risk and build a primary school there then?
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 17:48Corrupt LibDems.
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There remains a danger to building users – why take the risk for a primary school?
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 17:47
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This second contamination report found 50% of toxic hotspots – all ignored
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 17:42 The area where the school was going had no contaminants (because they hadn’t looked for any). The site is contaminated I said. You haven’t look properly. Don’t be vexatious, they replied, and they still do. Corrupt LibDems.
They admit to contamination hotspots at the south of the site which they suggest planting with prickly bushes to keep the children off it. The plants would have soaked up the contaminants and lost their prickly leaves. Never trust a LibDem with the safety of a child.
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Most of the investigation points are not where the toxic waste was known to be
Vale View School Posted on Sun, March 08, 2015 17:31
A young contaminated land officer at Stockport Council refused to accept the report with just one borehole sunk – quite rightly. Kicking and screaming Stockport Council carried out further investigations.
Boreholes 1, 2 , 3 and 5 are not done over the infilled pits, so unlikely to find much.
Borehole 4 over the pits says no well. It was “vexatious” of me to ask the implications of this.
CBR 1, 2 and 3 are nothing to do with contamination, rather the stability of the land.
Contamination trial pits 1, 2, 3 and 4 were done at the south side of the site, not where this school was going, which was directly over the old infilled rubbish pits.
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