Email sent – 15 April 2016

Misconnections in Cheadle Hulme

Dear HRT,

I comment around the disgraceful condition of Micker Brook and tributaries as

I’m aware and have already spoken at length with Caroline Riley around tests
done 14/11/14 and have spoken with public health at SMBC. I’m monitoring
visible sewerage toilet products which appear on each heavy rainfall and in my
view are coming from the sewer overflow at Ladybridge Rd.

Three years ago I walked the two combined sewers there on (both now pumped to
increase flow it seems) opening manholes. Flow rates on a hot dry day were
alarmingly at 70% rather than the 19/20% I understood from engineer were
expected. Certainly the estate sewer in my garden bears evidence of high flow
rates preventing exit to trunk sewer and suspended solids dropping to base
blocking the chambers here and upline.

Certainly the sheer amount of filth present on strand line of river suggests
regular overflow is occurring. Similarly holding tanks are possibly engaged
therein as tankers have been reported on 7 arches vicinity. In 26 years local
residency I’ve never seen it so bad as currently presents and heavy rainfall in
my view is leading to activation of overflows as sewers are inadequate.

Persimmon Homes are expecting to build many homes at Midland Rd tip land
already subject to 2 Sec of State enquiries due to pollution and UU have
refused to accept surface water to sewer it being so polluted. Chemicals filth
and substances are therefore freely draining to the culvert exiting at Warwick
bridge with an expectation of greater increased flow as sustainable drainage
from tips area isn’t allowed, rather they must limit all water carrying

I attach a link to the SOS outcomes and refer you specifically to sections 59
to 65 and 89 to 94 where any suggestion this isn’t real is eliminated.
Furthermore in the absence of sewers on the tipped land a septic tank is
operating under licence from UU at brickworks land. Over ten years ago tip
leachate was found at 135 times accepted for drinking water standards in the
aquifer therein supplying local boreholes metered by UU and 25% of UK supplies.
What efforts have been made to protect public health since that report of
August 2006?

I submit therefore the filth obvious and leachate not so, are not new problems
and due to Riparian responsibilities arising from Water Act 2010 HRT has been
drafted in due to detections within River Mersey purely as a defence mechanism
should any successful prosecutions arise so the founders are seen to be
tackling the problem. That alone hasn’t solved the ongoing problems however.

What progress has been made since your multiple testing 14th November 2014 please?
Have you examined, reported upon and worked either alone or in collaboration
around filth in Micker Brook and tributaries,Chorlton Brook and tributaries,
River Mersey from storm overflows and tipped areas? Can I please make an
appointment to view the methodology and findings therein?

To perhaps assist further I attach recent shots of debris and a link to Sec of
State matters around tip. Thank you for trying to make a difference in our
environment and I look forward to hearing further from you.

Best wishes