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by Lib Dem Team on 21 September, 2016
The next Cheadle Area Committee meeting starts at 6pm on Tuesday 27th September 2016. It’s in the hall at the Kingsway School (Foxland Road campus) and, as ever, everyone is welcome to come along.
Lots of projects the Lib Dem team have been working on appear on the agenda this time.
- A petition from residents calling on the council “to fill in the puddles on the Ladybrook/Mickerbrook footpath, as the path is currently impassable”.
- Open Forum discussion on the current anti-social behaviour causing problems in the Councillor Lane and Lavington Avenue areas. Representatives from the Council and Police will be attending.
- Funding applications from Cheadle Village Partnership (for the Victorian Market) and Cheadle & Gatley Junior Football Club (for a storage container).
- Planning application 62110 – extension at rear and new shop front for 7a Wilmslow Road, Cheadle.
- Proposal to improve signage to Abney Hall Park.
- Report on how applications for the £25,000 to reduce loneliness among over-50s is progressing.
- Application to make Newboult Road allotments an Asset of Community Value (ACV)
- Discussion of options to stop people driving the wrong way along Gatley Green
- Proposal to prevent parking along a section of Wilmslow Road near the Southgate Business Park
- Proposal for short sections of yellow lines to prevent parked vehicles blocking access on Wood Street and around the car park by St Marys Church.
- Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Chadvil and Milton in Cheadle
- Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Hawthorn, Cedar and Burnside in Gatley – near Gatley Primary. This is to stop people parking right on the junction, which can be a problem at the start and end of school. The proposal came from the school children themselves as part of work they have done on how to make the roads outside the school safer.
- Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Braystan Gardens and the A34 on the South Park Road Estate to improve visibility for cars leaving the estate.
- Proposal for double yellow lines on the inside of the sharp bend on South Park Road to avoid the road being narrowed too much by parked cars at that point.
- Agreement between councillors as to who will lay wreaths at each Remembrance Day service on behalf of Stockport Council.
You can read the full agenda here.6 Comments
6 Responses
Alex Masidlover says:September 21, 2016 at 9:00 am“Proposal for double yellow lines at the junction of Hawthorn, Cedar and Burnside in Gatley – near Gatley Primary. This is to stop people parking right on the junction, which can be a problem at the start and end of school.”This might help to address the symptom of the underlying problem (if the lines are enforced!) – however, the problem is that so many parents drop their children by car and that the streets within 500m (5 mins walk) of the school are all very narrow.Could consideration be given to opening the Scholes Field Pavillion car park to Gatley Primary Parents at pick up and drop off? Obviously there won’t be enough space for all and there will still be a minority of motorists who insist on parking nearer; as 10 minutes of their time is more important than the safety of children…Reply
Lib Dem Team says:September 21, 2016 at 9:03 amHi Alex – yes. I had a meeting with the school a couple of weeks ago and using the pavilion car park was one of the options we discussed, so it’s being actively investigated.Reply
Garry says:September 25, 2016 at 10:54 amMore yellow lines… yet the ones we already have aren’t being enforced. I’ve reported to the council directly and on these communications a few times. And still the double yellow lines are flouted on Oak Road. Many days shoppers and businesses park on them, in the evenings users of the Conservative Club park on them. This takes a long stretch of already narrow road down to one lane. Exasperated by being on the junction of a main road. So before we have more, can we enforce those already in existence.Reply
Iain Roberts says:September 25, 2016 at 10:57 amHI Garry – it’s the same as everywhere, I think. Most people observe yellow lines so having them is definitely better than not. For those who ignore the rules, they risk getting a ticket. If you see the rules being broken, there’s a form you can use on the council website to ask the traffic wardens to come out.But there’s no way to physically stop people parking on yellow lines if they are willing to take the risk of getting a ticket.Reply
Julie McDonald says:September 27, 2016 at 3:50 pmGood to hear of 12 residents petition from Ladybridge Park estate around Ladybrook Valley footpath. What can you do? I’ve already had Mary Smith Stephen Watkins Healthy Rivers Trust Greenspace EA out there and meeting 1/7/16 looking at state of matters including holes in bridge at Warwick Close. I’ve received repeated requests from dog walkers for works to be done which I’ve passed to Mary Smiths office. There’s also a serious problem of sewerage within the water and banks of the brook resultant from CSO’s there’s 11 of them in a 9km stretch. I’m waiting on responses from EA under FOIA and brook pollution from several other sources is expected to be covered shortly by TV early October.Reply
Lib Dem Team says:September 27, 2016 at 8:26 pmThere’s a positive response on the state of the path: the council is hoping to properly resurface and widen it next year with money from the Cycle City Ambition Grant.Reply
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